Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- if not tonic clonic seiz or syncope
rare: cataplexy, narcolepsy, atypical seizures (abscence)
or mimicking condits
falls, funct disorders, drug/alc intox
trauma- concussion
NB- TIAs rarely cause TLOC
- Collapse
- cardiac
- MI + cardiac arrhythmias
- blood pressure
- Shock
- cardiac, hypovolemia incl hemorrhagic incl ectopic preg, septic incl peritonitis, adrenal insufficiency
- Syncope
- 4 subtypes
- arrhythmia related
- transient comp of CO
- cardiac
- due to structural heart disease (or acute PE or aortic dissect)
- orthostatic
- b/c fail to maintain BP on assuming upright posture (can be caused by drugs)
- reflex
- vasodilat and/or bradycard in response to trigger (eg vasovagal or carotid sinus syncope)
- result from global cerebral hypoperfusion; typically assoc w/a BP <60mmHg for >6sec
- clin feats
- preced by chest pain, palpit, dyspnea, light headed, or typical 'pre-syncopal' prodrome
- LOC after stand up, prolonged standing, during exert, following unpleasant sight/pain, venepunt, micturition, cough, large meal
- brief duration <1min
- rapid return of clear-headedness
- investigs: 24 hr EEG (so can catch); implantable loop recorder ; supine + erect carotid sinus massage (to check hypersens)
- neuro
- Stroke
- seizure
- Epilepsy
- tendency to have recurrent seizures
- convulsions = the motor signs of electrical discharges
- phases
- prodrome (rare) hrs-days. Change in behaviour
- aura- part of seizure. pt aware. may be funny gut
feeling, deja vu, strange smells, flashing lights
- Implies partial seizure from temproal lobe
- post-ictal: may be headache, confusion,
myalgia, sore tongue, temporary weakness
after focal seizure in motor ctx (Todd's palsy),
temporary dysphasia after focal seizure in
temporal lobe
- causes
- 2/3 idopathic
- often FH
- structural
- cortical scarring (eg prev head inj), developmental, SOL, stroke, hippocampal sclerosis, vasc malforms
- other
- tuberous sclerosis, sarcoid, SLE, PAN
- diagnosis
- 1. are they really seizures?
-get witness account
-chee/tongue bit + slow recovery v suggestive
-try not to diag incorrectly- syncope can have convulsions too
2. what type of seizure is it?
-partial or generalized?
ONSET KEY- if it begins w/focal, is partial however rapidly it generalizes
3. what triggers?
-flicker lights, alch? can this be avoided?
(TV induced seizures rarely req drugs)
Also if 1st
- really the 1st? -ask about prior odd behaviour
-was it provoked (see non-epileptic cause)
-admiss for 24h may be indicated
- witness account
- ?really seizures
- partial or gen? onset key
- what triggers
- seizure classific
- focal onset, feats referable to a part of one hemisphere
-often seen w/underlying structural disease
- simple partial
- awareness unimparied (focal motor, sens, autonomc or psychiatric symps)
- awareness UNimpaired
- focal symps
- no post-icatl symps
- like responsive kid w/twitchy mouth
- complex partial
- awareness IMpaired
- may have AURA or impaired aware at onset
- most commonly temporal lobe
- post -ictal confusion (temporal); rapid recovery (frontal)
- partial seizure w/secondary generalization
- starts focally, -> spreads -> generalized seizure which is typically convulsive
- most common, onset teens/early 20s or later in life w/stroke (can be hippocamp or temporal lobe damage)
- simultaneous onset of elect discharge throughout ctx (no localiz feats referable to only one hemis)
- Absence
- brief (<10s pauses); presents in childhood
- eg suddenly stops talking mid-sentence, then carries on where left off
- Tonic -clonic
- loss of consc, TONIC limbs stiffen + musc contract ; then CLONIC jerk
- may have one without the other
- post ictal confusion + drowsiness
- Myoclonic
- sudden jerk of limb, face, or trunk
- pt may be thrown suddenly to ground or have disobedient limb
- Atonic (akinetic)
- sudden loss of musc tone causing a fall
- no loss of consc
- Infantile spasms
- commonly assoc w/tuberous sclerosis
- localizing features * (read note)
- Localizing features of partial (focal) seizures
Temporal lobe
-automatisms (w/no recollection of)
-dysphasia (ictal or post ictal)
-abdo rising sens (or pain +/-vomit)
-memory phenomena (deja vu or jamais vu)
-hippocampal involve- (emotional disturb, religiosity)
-uncal involve- (hallucincations of smell or taste or dream like state)
-delusional behaviour
-bizzare story.. (see pg 495)
Frontal lobe
-motor feats (posturing, eye moves, peddling moves of legs)
-jacksonian march- (spreading focal motor seiz but retain awareness)
-motor arest
-subtle behaviour disturbs
-dysphasia or speech arrest
-post ictal Todd's palsy
Parietal lboe
-sensory disturbs (rare)
-motor symps
Occiptial lobe
-visual phenomena
- complics
- sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
- more common in uncontrolled
(maybe relat to nocturnal seizure-assoc apnea or asystole)
- investigs
- helps context for diag
-> don't do if likely syncope b/c false +ves
only do emergency EEG if non-convulsive status epilepticus is the problem
unprovoked inter-ictal EEG
(ofte normal in ppl w/seizures; so often abnorm in ppl without) SO DO PROVOVOCATION (sleep depriv) + prolonged and /or video recording
- other
- further options:
neurological resection- if single focus eg hippocampal sclerosis, small tumor
vagal nerve stimulation
- serum drug lvls
- cog assess
- ictal SPECT
- management
- involve pt!! essential for compliance
- counselling
- -after a seizure advise agisnt possible dangers (eg swimming, driving, heights) until diag estab'd
then individual counselling after diag -> employment, insurance, conception
*driving- can't drive until seizure free >1yr
- drugs
- probably start treatment after 2nd fit
discuss w/pt- if low freq eg 1fit/2yr, don't drive, may choose no treat
treat w/one drug by one doc, build up over months
- depends on type of seizure.
- Generalized tonic clonic- sodium valproate or lamotrigine
- 2nd line carbamazepine, topiramate
- Absense: sodium valproate, lamotrigine, ethosuximide
- tonic, atonic, myoclonic: sodium valproate or lamotrigine
- parital seizures +/- secondary gneralization: carbemazepine
- then sodium valproate, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, topiramate
- disordered electrical activity affected whole brain
- may be primary or secondary (resulting from focal that spreads)
- if py doesnt' become secondary, partial seizures may cause altered consciousness without LOC
- triggers
- alcohol excess or withdrawal; recreational drug misuse
- sleep depriv, physical/mental exhaustion
- intercurrent infection
- metabolic disturbance (low Na, low Mg, low Ca, uremia, liver failure)
- non-compliance with meds, or drug interact
- flickering lights
- clin feats
- preced by aura (smell, rising sens in abo, deja vu)
- witness account of tonic-clinic limb moves
- coarse and rhythmic
- >30s (ask witness to demonstrate)
- tongue/cheek inj
- >5min confusion/drowsiness after
- causes
- epilep
- non epilep
- trauma, storke, hemorrhage, rasie dICP, alcohol or benzo withdrawal, metabolic disturbance (hypoxia, hypo/hyper natremia, hypocalcemia, hypo/hyper glucose, uremia), liver disease, infection, raised temp, drugs (TCAs, cocaine, tramadol, theophylline), pseudoseizures,
- other
- Diabetes (hypo or hyper)
- hypoglycemia
- may cause impari consc that resolves w/correction of blood glucose
- most cases iatrogenic 9insulin or sulphonylurea)
- other 'spontaneous' causes
- alcohol, liver failure,
insulinoma, adrenal
- PE
- Dizziness, syncope and falls
- orthostatic hypotension
- any cause incl adverse drug reaction, cardioinhibitory syncope, autonomic neuropathy etc
- psychiatric
- anxiety
- neuro
- stroke, Parkinson's disease, myelopathy, MS
- vestibular disorders [any]
- metabolic
- functional disorders (apparent TLOC)
- 'pseudosezizure'
- 'pseudosyncope'
- atypical feats that may suggest pseudo
- >5min episodes, eyes
closed, numberous
attacks/day, purposeful
mves during, estab'd
diag of other funct
- red flag
- TLOC during exertion
- severe heart disease
- FH cardiac sudden death
- previous or hi risk for ventric arryth
- tachycardia
- high risk ECG abnormality
- history key!!!
- listen and clarify
- use witnesses
- circumstances, prodrome, episode, recovery