Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Cosmological
- Everything that exists has a
cause. The universe exists.
So, the universe was caused.
- Aquinas
- His 5 ways
- 'Summa Theologiae'
- Related ways demonstrating
the existence of God
- 1= unmoved mover;
2= uncaused causer;
3= contingency; 4=
gradation; 5=
- Way 1:
- 1. We can observe that things in
world= in process of motion
- 2. Everything in motion is
changing from a potential state to
an actual state
- 3. The same thing can't be at the
same time potentially & actually the
same thing
- 4. E.g. If something's hot, it cannot be
potentially hot, but it can be
potentially cold
- 5. So, everything in state of
motion must be put into this
state by another thing
- 6. But chain of movers 'cannot go
on to infinity, because then there
would be no 1st mover, &,
consequently, no other mover'- Aq
in ST
- 7. Conclusion: 'It is necessary to arrive
at a first mover, put in motion by no
other; and this everyone understands
to be God'- Aq ST
- Way 2:
- 1. Nothing is an efficient
(necessary) cause of itself
- 2. Efficient causes follow in order: a
1st cause causes a 2nd cause, a
second a third, etc
- 3. X possible for efficient causes
to go back infinitely, because if
there's not 1st cause, there
won't be any following causes
- 4. Conclusion: 'It is necessary to admit
a first efficient cause to which everyone
gives the name of God'- Aq ST
- CAN'T be infinite regress; must
be cause- Aristotle= unmoved
mover; Aq= God
- Infinite Regresssion
- IR= chain of events that goes backwards forever
- e.g. dominoes; one causes the next to fall
- Every domino=
potentially the cause of
the fall of the next
- To explain a chain of events, need an actual
cause that's a PURE act, not potential, because if
the cause of everything= only potential, then it
needs to be acted on to achieve its potential
- Difference between winding up watch at night, and writing on a piece of
paper: the writing activity stops if you stop writing, whereas the watch
continues on its own once wound up.
- Copleston claims Aq is making argument more like the
writing, and didn't mean like the watch in his ways 1 & 2
- Is Aq correct in saying you
can't have infinite regression
of causes?
- 1. In maths; If infinite regressions= possible in reality, then there
could be an infinite series of causes & effects which had no
beginning, thought it would be questions- equally, if God is
proposed as the explanation for why there's something not
something, a person supporting I.R. could ask who caused
- 2. Criticisms of Aq's arg that if every
contingent things at one time didn't exist,
nothing would come to exist- but,
philosophers say, its possible for all contingent
things at diff points in time to X exist & later
exist, but this X mean at some time nothing
- David Hume
- Questioned the idea that every event has a
cause- humans may assume it, but we can't prove
- Bus e.g.
- We may make mistaken
assumptions about cause
and effect; its a human
habit; we take for granted
because that's the way we
see things
- If there's an explanation for every
event in a series, its not necessary to
ask what caused the whole series
- We expect future experiences to
conform to past experiences; enforces
belief in A causes B
- This undermines ways 1 & 2
- In way 2, Aq states: 'In the world
of sense we find that there's an
order of efficient cause
- The Fallacy of Composition
- Is it necessary for the whole universe to have a cause
just because everything within the universe could be
explained by reference to a preceding cause?
- To Hume, X reason why God should
be the first cause; the 1st cause could
just be the universe itself
- Fits in with idea of world evolving from primordial matter
& so effectively actualizes itself, thus possible to come into
being w/o cause, or had always existed & had not beginning
- Bertrand Russell: "Obviously
the human race hasn't a
mother, that's a different
logical sphere" ('Why I'm Not a
- You can't deduce universe has a cause
just because you can identify the cause
of contingent things within the universe
- Is he right?
- Yes, we can't demonstrate that
every effect is caused, believing that
effects are caused is a reasonable
working approach to everyday life
- Elizabeth Anscombe
('"Whatever has a beginning
of existence must have a
cause": Hume's Argument
Exposed')- points out you
could conclude 'existence
must have a cause' w/o
believing/ knowing that 'such
particular effects must have a
- Even if you can imagine
something coming into
existence w/o a cause, this X tell
you anything at all about what's
possible in reality
- Reality & Speculation
- Reality= our experience of the universe;
speculation= thinking of logical
possibilities regarding issues
- Is discussion of possibility of infinite regression
logical speculation, or does it relate to reality?
- Analysis of Aq's 1st & 2nd ways
- God existed once, but X exist now?
- God= sustaining cause of universe?
- 1st & 2nd rely on contradiction- he says everything
must have a cause, then says something must exist
that is the cause of itself?
- If there wasn't an exception to
this general rule, then the
universe would have no cause?
- Similar to Anselm's reply to Gaunilo, that
God is that God is a being who must exist
- Can be countered by
saying the universe
needs no
explanation; it just is
- Infinite regress= possible?
- BUT Mackie= agrees w/ Aq, using analogy of a train- can be an infinite no. of carriages, but it
only makes sense if there's a railway engine (but not very useful argument because he
questioned if Aq's 3 ways good be related to his analogy)
- If yes, then do we need a prime mover?
- They X work if we aren't
satisfied with the idea of God as
a being who requires no further
- Way 3:
- Argument from contingency
- 1. Things which exist in nature at one time did not exist
and in the future won't exist; these things at any time
may/may not exist (contingent existence)
- 2. If everything at one time didn't exist,
there would have been nothing in
existence, there would have been
nothing in existence
- 3. If point 2= true, then there would be nothing in
existence, because there would be nothing to bring
anything into existence
- 4. Interim conclusion: 'there must exist
something the existence of which is
necessary' (Aq, ST)
- 5. But every necessary thing either has its
necessity caused by another or not
- 6. An infinite regression of necessary
things is impossible, as shown in Way 2.
- 7. Final conclusion: There
exists 'some being having of
itself its own necessity...
causing in other their
necessity. This all men speak
of as God' (Aq, ST)
- Developments
- Contingent Existence
- If everything exists contingently, its poss to have a time when nothing existed
- If there was a time w/ no contingent beings
existing, none would come into existence, and
there would be no contingent beings around to
cause them
- Must be a necessary being that can't fail to exist
- Links w/ ways 1 & 2
- Links with the rejection of infinite regresssion
- Concept of necessary being fits w/ Copleston's interpretation of the first 2 ways
- Copleston: world = sum of all objects; none of the objects contain within self the reason for their own existence; everything
object depends on another for existence; if everything in world requires something else to exist, the cause of the entire
universe must be external to the universe, w/ self explanatory existence- 'ontologically necessary being'
- Criticisms
- Kant rejected 3rd way for same reason he rejected concept of necessary existence w/ respect to the ontological argument
- But Onto & Cosmo= fundamentally diff;
Comso= a posteriori! Starts from idea that
universe exists, and then WHY; Onto=
starts w/ God's existence
- Mackie: Aq assumes that anything that X have a predicate/'essence' of existence requires existence of ness. being-
God. M questions why we should accept this assumption; could equally argue there's a permanent stock of matter
whose essence didn't involve existence from anything else' ('The Miracle of Theism')
- Aq X reason why God should be the ness being
- But, Aq believed that the existence of contingent beings would ultimately necessitate a being which must exist for all of the contingent beings to
exist. BUT, this means the criticism of the idea of a logically necessary being from the ontological argument applies to Aq's arg
- Michael Palmer suggests what my be meant is a 'factual necessity'- God exists independently of everything else, which is diff. from idea of
log. ness, so avoids this weakness
- What do ways 1,2,3 show?
- Aq: they demonstrate there's a 1st efficient cause & prime mover of the universe that is pure actuality not potentiality, w/ necessary existence; God
- Aq's God= v diff to personal attributes often given to Christian God
- A Christian philosopher H. McCabe, said: 'What I have been saying may seem to make God both remote and irrelevant. He's not part of the universe & he makes no difference to it'
- The Russell-Copleston debate
- 'The Existence of God- a Debate' 1948
- Copleston's argument
- Reformulation of Aq's
- 1. There are thing in this world that are contingent- might not have existed (like us w/o our parents)
- 2. Everything in the world = like this- depends on something else for existence
- 3. Therefore there must be a cause of everything in the universe that exists outside of it
- 4. This cause must be a necessary being- one which contains the reason for its existence within itself
- 5. This necessary being is God
- Russell's argument
- Refused to accept idea of a necessary being as one that cannot be thought not to exist, & concluded that the regress of casual events didn't lead to the existence of everything in the universe
- "What I am saying is that the concept of cause is not applicable to the total"
- Just because each human has a mother doesn't mean the entire human race has a mother
- The universe is a brute fact; its existence X demand an explanation
- "I should say that the universe is just there, and that's all"
- Argument for cause of universe has little meaning/ significance, a 'question that has no meaning'- "Shall we pass on to some other issue?"
- Copleston's response: "If one refused to sit at the chess board and make a move, one cannot, of course, be checkmated"
- p. 112-113= important
- Summary: C put forward defence of Cosmo arg, centred on reformulation of Aq's THIRD way R rejected his arguments & suggested the universe X explainable in the way that C wanted. At heart of debate= contingency & necessity, & what's sufficient reason for anything to exist
- The principle of sufficient reason- comes from Leibniz (dev.'d a new version of the Cosmo arg). At heart= idea that explaining the truth of a fact/ existence of a thing, includes an explanation of why its like that and X different
- "In virtue of which we hold that no fact could ever be true of or existence, nor statement correct, unless there were sufficient reason why it was thus and not otherwise" -Leibniz
- Must give an example