How effective is the combination of the main and ancillary tasks?


A2 Media Studies Mindmap am How effective is the combination of the main and ancillary tasks?, erstellt von 29028 am 13/01/2016.
Mindmap von 29028, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von 29028 vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

How effective is the combination of the main and ancillary tasks?
  1. Ancillary Task 1
      1. Ancillary Task 2
        1. Colours
          1. The colours used are the original colours found on the original photo taken. The images were edited in photoshop, but the coolurs have not been edited at all. The only change that effects the colours is the brightness, that was increased, and the shadows that were also increased.
            1. The colours are (seen above) the natural greens, browns and whites. The only edited is increasing the brightness, enhancing the colours to make them stand out more. The lens flare added to both Ancillary tasks added continuity again and also added a new colour. Red had not been used before, but the colours added vibrancy to another natural feature, the sun. The added light enabled us to use brighter colours, meaning they wouldn't look out of place.
          2. Fonts
            1. As we found in our research into similar products, a consistent convention with our Indie Pop genre was the consistency of fonts within their products, more noticeably with Bastille. Due to their use of a triangle for the 'A' it made their consistency noticeable and clear (shown to the left).
              1. In our media products we selected the font 'Gills Sans MT' as we believed it matched the clear narrative we were trying to portray. The font was classy, neat and could be read in a variety of sizes, large for titles and smaller for institutional information. The white font was selected it stood out as the images selected for both Ancillary Tasks we believed wouldn't suit another other colour apart from the white font. The white photo also stood out on all of the images we selected.
            2. Layout Features
              1. As found from out similar tasks research, having the artist in the centre of the shot was a convention of indie pop products. Making the artist the centre of the shot directs the audience straight to them, again as found out in out research task. In general, the conventions for Indie pop product is to have things centred, may it be text or the artist.
              2. Language and Tone
                1. We had used the natural theme throughout all of our ancillary tasks. The images taken were of natural movements, and were taken during the video for the natural effect. The colours used were all natural, no editing involved in changing colours to different ones. Following on with the natural theme throughout, our song choices are all natural themed, "Good Life, "Mountains" and "Our Stars".
                  1. It is important to only convey a small number of messages through our Ancillary Task to ensure they do match our main task, and also that the ancillary tasks match. The colours used, combined with the natural bright feel to the images portray an upbeat song/video even without watching it.
                2. Images
                  1. The images were taken during filming to create a more natural look on them. This is shown through the natural motion of the actors foot moving in the Ancillary Task 1 image. It also added clarity to help blend both the Ancillary tasks with the main video. The video was shot on a Cannon Digital SLR camera and this gave us the ability to not only film in a high resolution, but to take images without disrupting filming to gain the natural effect in the images we were looking for.
                    1. The picture was selected for the Ancillary Task 1 to 'mimic' the scene shown to the right. The bottom screenshot is near enough the exact moment were the Ancillary Task 1 image was taken. This adds continuity, and the scene can even be identified in the music video clearly. Filming and taking the images at the same time ensured we could get the natural look we wanted.
                      1. The natural movements help the audience relate to the character, as they can put themselves into the actors situations easier. The audience will be able to relate to the characters situations as the event that unfolds is realistic, and happens in every day life, relatable.
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