Health Plans


Types of Health Insurance Plans
Mindmap von R A, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von R A vor fast 9 Jahre

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Health Plans


  1. MCP


    • Manage Care Plans are an approach/variety of models to manage quality and cost in medical care. IOW a system that integrates - Financing & Delivery of medical care - w/ providers.   
    1. MPP


      1. PPO


        • Preferred Provider Org:  Lies between an HMO (by Mo. premiums) and as a Fee-For-Service (by paying only for provider’s services). Most popular in the individual & family market. Pros – No “referral” needed/freedomCons – Expensive outside-Network providers.  
        1. HMO


          • Health Maintenance Org: insurers & providers get best deals for insurer. Members make use only of in-Network providers else the member is financially responsible.  Pro – Great Savings / Avoid dealing w/ claims Cons – “Referral” needed. 
          1. POS


            • Point-Of-Service: Blend of HMO & PPO. Members decide providers after use of service.  Pro – More freedom Cons – PCP & “referral” needed. 
            1. Indeminity


              • Indemnity Insurance(Traditional Fee for Service Plan): Reimburses medical expense. Most of the time includes a deductible. After deductible met insurers pay claims at a set percentage of UCR rate.
            2. Provider's Reinbursement
              1. Free-Of-Service


                • Is a payment model where services are unbundled and paid for separately.
                1. Capitation


                  • “pre-payment” / Physicians are paid a fixed amount per Mo.
                  1. Bonuses Witholds


                    • if premiums from enrollees are less than health plan payments to physicians then a percentage of fee-of-service or capitation from ea. service is retained and later returned as a bonus at the end of the year.   
                    1. Medicare DRG's


                      • Diagnosis Related Group: “Reward System” / flat rate per case for inpatient hospital care; if efficiency improved then they receive an incentive.
                  2. Employee Health Plans
                    1. Fully- Insured/Funded


                      • Employer assumes financial responsabilities
                      1. Self- Insured/Funded


                        • Employer pays for claims out-of-pocket. Concepts within self-Insured
                      2. Government Health Plans
                        1. VA


                          • Veterans Administration:  Provide eligible vets health services as “needed” (care or service that will promote, preserve, and restore health)
                          1. HHS


                            • U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) enhances and protects the health and well-being of all Americans. It provides effective health and human services and fostering advances in medicine, public health, and social services.
                            1. CMS
                              1. Medicare


                                • Is health insurance for people 65 yrs. of US citizenship, etc... < 65 yrs.If it has a disability if ESRD (End-Stage Renal Disease).


                                1. CMCS


                                  • The Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) serves as the focal point for all national program policies and operations related to Medicaid
                                  1. Medicaid


                                    • Federal and State programs that helps w/ medical costs for some people w/ low income & limited resources.  Pros – It covers services that Medicare doesn’t.  Cons – Rules change vary by state.  
                                    1. CHIP


                                      • Previously nown as State Children’s Health Insurance Program: Partnership between Federal & State Governments to mainly children who don’t qualify for Medicaid and can’t afford a private insurer.  Requirements: < 19 yrs. old
                                      1. BHP


                                        • Basic Health Program: was enacted by the Affordable Care Act and provides states the option to establish health benefits cover programs for low-income residents who would otherwise be eligible to purchase coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace, providing affordable coverage and better continuity of care for people whose income fluctuates above and below Medicaid and CHIP levels.
                                2. CDHP


                                  • Consumer Driven Health Plans:  is a type of medical insurance that has a higher deductible and low premium. It can be offered w/ a combination of the following accounts
                                  1. HDHP


                                    • High Deductible Health Plan: Health insurance plan w/ lower premiums and higher deductibles than traditional health plan. A health saving account is needed. HDHP are a form of catastrophic coverage; “freedom” depends on the health plan (HMO, POS, or PPO).
                                    1. Helthcare Accounts


                                      1. FSA


                                        • Flexible Spending Account: Similar to HSA but w/ more “flexibility”
                                        1. HSA


                                          • HSA (Health Savings Account): Used only for medical care.   
                                          1. HRA


                                            • Health Reimbursement Account: Health benefit plan designed by your employer to reimburse you for certain eligible healthcare expenses   
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