Steps to Write an Essay


1 OLD EASY ESSAYS Mindmap am Steps to Write an Essay, erstellt von Rosmery Ribera am 19/01/2016.
Rosmery Ribera
Mindmap von Rosmery Ribera, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rosmery Ribera
Erstellt von Rosmery Ribera vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Steps to Write an Essay
  1. A) Understand the question
    1. 3 reasons.
      1. One answer and 3 reasons.
      2. B) Brainstorm
        1. 2) Define your 3 reasons.
          1. 3) Use Wh.. words to guide your thinking of the 3 supporting ideas for each paragraph.
            1. 4) Decide about the type of evidence for each supporting idea.
              1. 1) Define your "North" in no more then 2 words.
                1. 5) Define your evidence.
                2. C) Organize your writing
                  1. Choose connectors.
                    1. Think about advanced grammar structures to be used.
                    2. D) Write your essay
                      1. Intoductory Paragraph
                        1. General introduction.
                          1. Opposing Point of view.
                            1. Focusing.
                              1. Thesis statement.
                              2. 3 Body Paragraphs
                                1. Topic sentence/SS1, Ex/SS2, Fact/SS3/Stat/Closing sentence.
                                  1. Topic sentence/SS1, Ex/SS2, Fact/SS3/Stat/Closing sentence.
                                    1. Topic sentence/SS1, Ex/SS2, Fact/SS3/Stat/Closing sentence.
                                    2. Closing Paragrapf
                                      1. Re- state your thesis statement. OR Sum up the three body paragraphs
                                        1. End with an advice or a question or a call for action.
                                      2. E) Edit your essay
                                        1. Check you do not have repeated connectors
                                          1. Check that you have developed your essay completely.
                                            1. Check your spelling, indentation, capitalization, and punctuation.
                                            2. F) Present your work
                                              1. The instructor grades your essay.
                                              2. G) Reflect about your writing
                                                1. Reflect about your grammar mistakes and how to solve them.
                                                  1. Reflect about the coherence and cohesion of your essay.
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