The Mary Celeste


The mysterious disappearance of the Mary Celeste
Ave Soodla
Mindmap von Ave Soodla, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ave Soodla
Erstellt von Ave Soodla vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Mary Celeste
  1. The British ship
    1. deserted on the Atlantic Ocean in 1872
      1. scientists are still trying to solve the mystery
        1. What happened to the crew and the passengers
        2. Captain Briggs and Captain Morehouse
          1. were having dinner (New York)
            1. The Mary Celeste and the Dei Gratia
              1. a similar course - over the Atlantic Ocean, through the Strait of Gibraltar, into the Mediterranean
            2. Captain Morehouse was still waiting for...
              1. DG set off - 8 days later
                1. the members of the crew spotted
                  1. sent his men to offer help
                  2. On Nov 7 ........


                    • We shall continue tomorrow....
                    1. ... to set sail and soon MC was on her way to Italy
                      1. seven-men crew, captain, his wife and two-year-old daughter
                        1. sewing machine, toys
                        2. the Mary Celeste in good condition ....
                          1. the ship was deserted
                            1. enough water and food for 6 months
                              1. the only thing missing...
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