Symphony No. 40 - Mozart


Music (Symphony No. 40 - Mozart) Mindmap am Symphony No. 40 - Mozart, erstellt von bethanygrace7 am 12/04/2013.
Mindmap von bethanygrace7, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von bethanygrace7 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Symphony No. 40 - Mozart
  1. Background: 1788; Classical period; molto allegro; 1st of 4 moments.
    1. Dynamics: begins piano; second subject is forte; many changes throughout.
      1. Tonality: G minor then modulates to Bb major. Many different modulations throughout.
        1. Texture: homophonic, imitation and counter melody.
          1. Structure: Sonata form: exposition; development; recapitulation and coda.
            1. Harmony: perfect cadence; imperfect cadence; pedal; dominant 7th chords.
              1. Melody:made up of two contrasting tunes.
                1. First subject: G minor; starts with falling semi-tone, repeated, rises a 6th, then falls conjunctly. 3rd phrase is more disjunct based on rising 3rds.
                  1. Second subject: Bb major in exposition and G minor in recapitulation, based on descending chromatic phrases.
                  2. Rhythm and metre: 4/4; allegro; 1st subject uses quavers and crotchets; 2nd subject uses mostly crotchets and dotted minims giving a slower feeling.
                    1. Musical features: memorable tunes, double woodwind, use of timpani, melody dominated homophony.
                      1. Instruments: Classical orchestra, double woodwind except only 1 flute, strings, timpani and NO trumpets.
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