Energy Sources


A-Levels Geography (Energy Security) Mindmap am Energy Sources, erstellt von Jodie Goodacre am 23/12/2013.
Jodie Goodacre
Mindmap von Jodie Goodacre, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jodie Goodacre
Erstellt von Jodie Goodacre vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Energy Sources
  1. Fossil Fuels
    1. All energy ultimately comes from either the sun or the Earth
      1. Fuel is any material that is burned or altered in order to obtain energy
        1. Food is clearly a fuel
          1. Wood, dung and animal fat were early fuels, burned by our prehistoric ancestors to create heat and possibly light
            1. Fossil fuels are those formed over geological time from the partly decayed remains of plants or animals.
              1. They include coal, oil and natural gas.
                1. They can be used or combusted only once and are therefore finite
                  1. They become exhausted because they can only be replaced over considerable periods of geological time
                    1. They are classified as non-renewable sources of energy
                      1. During combustion, fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide, which has an impact on climate because it contributes to the greenhouse effect
                        1. Exploiting fossil fuels by quarrying, mining and pumping has other environmental impacts, such as deforestation and the disruption of water tables and groundwater supplies
                          1. Nuclear energy falls into the category of non-renewable energy since supplies of the raw material, uranium, are finite
                          2. Renewable Sources
                            1. By contrast, renewable sources of energy are those capable of natural regeneration on a human timescale
                              1. They provide almost continuous flows of energy
                                1. These sources include inland water, wind, the tides, ocean waves, geothermal heat and the sun's rays
                                  1. Sustainable sources of energy include wood, which can be regrown, and the pumped storage water of a hydroelectric power plant, which can be used time and time again
                                    1. Some would also put nuclear energy in this category, because the nuclear power industry is able to reprocess some spent fuel so that it can be reused.
                                    2. Primary Energy Sources
                                      1. A distinction is made between primary and secondary energy
                                        1. Primary energy is the energy found in natural resources
                                          1. Examples include coal, crude oil, sunlight, wind, rivers, vegetation and uranium
                                            1. Secondary energy is primary energy that has been converted into a more convenient form, usually electricity
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