Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Tension is often created between
'new' and 'old'. To what effect do
writers make use of such tension in at
least two works you have studied.
- Thomas & Tereza
- The other women that Thomas has
- Sabina
- Sabina (Old) finding a job for Tereza (New) when she first comes to Prague
- Sabina Franz
- Sabina is more part fo the new age of woman
- When Sabina goes to the show hosted by Franz's wife
- Gets
- Sabina and Thomas's Son
- His unanswered (new) letters to Sabina (old)
- Gatsby
- His old and new life, stuck in the pasta and the now
- Bootlegging- part of the new age (at the time)
- Love for Daisy
- Part of the past that Gatsby is hanging on to and creating himself rather than paying attention to what is happening at the time
- Don't know what page but at some point Nick says 'You can't repeat the past' and Gatsby says 'Yes, you can'
- G wants to live in the perfect past, where he has money, Daisy and all is good
- Daisy a symbol for Gatsby of the past
- After they hit the guy with the car, and G is outside D's house, he is not onyl clinging on to Daisy (the coporial person) but also the image of the past that he has built up around her
- The women's role- new and old
- New- Doing things on there own/having a life outside of Men (Jordan)
- Old- Being tied to a man and going along with them without own thought (Daisy)
- New money - Gatsby
- Compare a few characters:
- Tom - Myrtle
- Jordan - Sabina
- Tomas - Tereza