Circular motion


Mindmap am Circular motion, erstellt von j.v.maggs am 03/01/2014.
Mindmap von j.v.maggs, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von j.v.maggs vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Circular motion
  1. Angular measure - radians
    1. Angles are measured in radians; length of an ark = radius x angle (in radians)
      1. Radians are SI unit for the angle used because of trigonometry, because rotation is measured in radians per second, and because it has no units
      2. Caused by change in velocity at a constant speed
        1. Centripetal acceleration
          1. Given by:
            1. Causes centripetal force, given by:
              1. Keeps planets in orbit of the sun, satellites and the moon in orbit of the earth
                1. Do not confuse centripetal acceleration and force!
                2. Patterns of:
                  1. Ball on a string
                    1. Tension is centripetal force here
                    2. Conical pendulum
                    3. Gravitational fields
                      1. Act towards the mass, idiot!
                        1. Gravity is the centripetal force here
                          1. Newtons Law of Gravitation
                            1. Definition: The gravitational force of attraction between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the distance between them. Adding in the gravitational constant, G, gives:
                              1. Note a minus sign is needed to show it is an attractive force
                            2. given by;
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