Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Sex- male/female
- Biological classification of a person,
refers to their chromosomes XX or XY
- Chromosomes influence
hormones and reproductive organs
vary cross-culturally
- Gender- masculine/feminine
- This is a socially defined term used to
describe the roles, behaviours and
attitudes of males and females
- This leads to expectations about
masculine and feminine behaviour
- Gender CAN vary
- Androdgyny
- Describes a person who's traits
are a balance of
(BRSI). Bem believed that androgynous people were
more physcologically healthy than those who showed
only one type of traits
- During development she asked people to rate 200
personality traits in terms of masculin/femininity. She then
took the 20 most neut.,fem&masc. to use on the BSRI.
articipant would rate themselves on each trait which is then
used to calculate their androgyny score
- A problem with the BSRI is that it is based on the
views of American students in the 70's so might not
be valid cross-culturally and in different time periods.
- It oversimplifies androgyny - ignores
gender related behaviour/activities
- Other researchers believe that a
high masculinity score is better
- Sex/Gender Role Stereotypes
- This is a widely held belief about the behaviour,
attitudes and characteristics expected of males &
- Many studies show that adults treat
children differently depending on their sex.
- A 3 month old baby was dressed in a lemon babygrow and places in a room
with toys (keys, ball, doll). Adults in one condition wre told it ws a girl, in
another a boy, and in the third a baby. The adults were observed individually
playing with the baby. The results of this showed tht adults changed their
behviour depending on whether they thought it wa a boy (ball), girl (doll) and if
if it was a baby the response was neutral.
- This supports the theory that adults use
gender stereotypes with infants
- Research also shows that children age
,5,9 used gender stereotypes when
asked about brave or caring people in a
simple story - saying that th caring
people were the women and the brave
people were the men.
- Cultural Variations in Gender Behaviour
- Despite cultural variation there are some similarities in gender behaviour - men
usually have higher status, women are responsible for child care
- Research-Margaret Mead
STUDY, spending six months lining with three
different tribes in New Guinea and recorded the
behaviour of males and females in each tribe.
- She found cultural differences in gender behaviour. T1:
males and females were feiminine and gentle; T2: m&f
both agressive and masculine; T3: maes were
sentimental and the females were the main providers
- This has been criticised as Mead
may have showed bias in her
research as she wanted to prove
that nurture influenced behaviour
more than nature. Other
researchers who observed one
tribe found no evidence of
females being dominant.
- Research by La Fromboise found gender differences in
behaviours between three Indian tribes where women
were involved in fighting, these findings support nature.