Sab9#43y44_Scope Levels_Category Requirements


Mindmap am Sab9#43y44_Scope Levels_Category Requirements, erstellt von Jou M am 24/02/2016.
Jou M
Mindmap von Jou M, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jou M
Erstellt von Jou M vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Sab9#43y44_Scope Levels_Category Requirements
  1. Scope Levels
    1. Activity
      1. These are the actions or tasks to be performed in a work package
      2. Work Package
        1. It consists of a set of activities or tasks to be performed
        2. Control Account
          1. it is made up of a set of work packages which analyzes the scope, time and cost to a higher level
        3. Category Requirements
          1. Business
            1. need for high level of the company
            2. Stakeholders
              1. need for a person or group
              2. Functional
                1. product performance
                2. Nonfunctional
                  1. environmental conditions required to produce the product
                  2. Transition
                    1. need to adapt to operate the product
                    2. Project
                      1. Processes and devices required to operate the project
                      2. Quality
                        1. criteria necessary to meet project requirements
                        2. Technical
                          1. Definition of how the product will be built
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