Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Mother, Any
- Form
- Loose sonnet
- Irregular
- Imagery
- "at the zero end"
- mother is at the zero
- She's at the beginning - she was there from the beginning
- She gave him life
- Link to tape measure
- Shows bond between the mother and son
- Tape measure
representing umbilical
cord that connects
mother and child
- Umbilical cord feeds baby
- injects life into baby
- Umbilical cord does get
cut - shows change in
- Can be reeled back in
- Son will always be able to revert back to his mother
- Always an
- Can be used to show the
journey of life
- "Any distance greater than a single span
requires a second pair of hands"
- Despite distance the
between mother
and son is still
- "single span"
- One person can measure
- More than that cannot be done alone
- Half rhyme "span" and
"hands" shows uncertainty of
how he will cope without his
- Needs someone else's
(mother's) help still
- "Anchor. Kite."
- Juxtaposition
- Anchor weighs down
- Mother and son are going in
different directions
- They are moving apart
- Falling/bringing
something down
- Kite flies up
- No in between
- Kites can fall
- Kite flies in a controlled manor
- Someone holds onto
the kite
- Shows that there is still
that connection
between mother and
- If the anchor loses the
string then the kite flies
away completely
- If mother loses
connection with
son then she loses
him forever
- Anchor gives stability
- Sense of security
- Anchor brings a boat to a halt
- Anchor is pointless without boat
- Mother is pointless without son
- Mother's job is always needed as she is
the sons anchor
- "." - separation - end of
childhood/start of adulthood
- Both start on the ground - on
the same level
- Both moving in different
directions - embarking on
different journeys