Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Non-birth control population
policy - India, Kerala
- Located on the tropical Malabar Coast of SouthWestern India
- The National Population Policy was adopted
in 1976. Policy makers believed that family
planning success would be limited unless it
was part of an integrated program
- Education about the population problem became a
part of the school curriculum under the Fifth
Five-Year Plan (FY 1974-78)
- During the 1980s many family planning programs
were implemented through the state government.
- In rural areas, the programs were further extended
through a network of primary health centres.
- By 1991 India had more than 150,000
public health facilities through which
family planning programs were offered
- Family planning programs included
- Cash incentives for those who
are willing to be sterilised
- Commissions for health workers
- New schools, roads and drinking
water for areas that meet their targets
- Proposal to only allow people with two or
less children to run for public office
- India's Birth rate
- 1975 - 38.2 per 1000
- 1995 - 29.1 per 1000
- 2000 - 25.2 per 1000
- Between 1981 and 1991 the annual rate of
population growth was estimated at 2%
some people credit this slight lowering of the
population growth rate to moderate
successes of the family planning program
- Kerala's reduction in population occurred at a time when
Kerala had poor production and high unemployment - this
contradicts the demographic transition model