Non-birth control population policy - India, Kerala


GCSE Geography (Population change) Mindmap am Non-birth control population policy - India, Kerala, erstellt von SEOTP am 07/01/2014.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Non-birth control population policy - India, Kerala
  1. Located on the tropical Malabar Coast of SouthWestern India
    1. The National Population Policy was adopted in 1976. Policy makers believed that family planning success would be limited unless it was part of an integrated program
      1. Education about the population problem became a part of the school curriculum under the Fifth Five-Year Plan (FY 1974-78)
        1. During the 1980s many family planning programs were implemented through the state government.
          1. In rural areas, the programs were further extended through a network of primary health centres.
            1. By 1991 India had more than 150,000 public health facilities through which family planning programs were offered
              1. Family planning programs included
                1. Cash incentives for those who are willing to be sterilised
                  1. Commissions for health workers
                    1. New schools, roads and drinking water for areas that meet their targets
                      1. Proposal to only allow people with two or less children to run for public office
                      2. India's Birth rate
                        1. 1975 - 38.2 per 1000
                          1. 1995 - 29.1 per 1000
                            1. 2000 - 25.2 per 1000
                            2. Between 1981 and 1991 the annual rate of population growth was estimated at 2% some people credit this slight lowering of the population growth rate to moderate successes of the family planning program
                              1. Kerala's reduction in population occurred at a time when Kerala had poor production and high unemployment - this contradicts the demographic transition model
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