English as Second Language Instruction


Mindmap am English as Second Language Instruction, erstellt von kayla.allen5292 am 28/02/2016.
Mindmap von kayla.allen5292, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von kayla.allen5292 vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

English as Second Language Instruction
  1. Approaches
    1. Grammatical
      1. Teacher- centered, focused on rules and structure of L2
        1. Methods
          1. Direct Instruction - total immersion, students respond to open ended questions
            1. Audiolingual Method- focus on grammatical structures, little to no use of the L1, drills, and receptive practice
              1. Grammar Translation- focus on reading, writing, and prescritive grammar. not a lot of communicative instructon
              2. Examples: memorizing a list of vocabulary words, choral responses, repetitive drills
            2. Communicative
              1. Student-centered, focused on communication and acquisition of knowledge
                1. Methods
                  1. Silent Way- focused on modeling the teacher, repetition,
                    1. Natural Way- focused on comprehensible input, little error correction, L1 allowed
                      1. Suggestopedia- emphasis on comfortable learning environment, can use L1 for explanation, not focused on content
                        1. Sheltered Instruction- grade level curriculum modified, learning activities scaffolded, use of realia, visuals, explicit vocabulary, and cooperative learning
                          1. Integrated Content Based- emphasizes L2 development, langauge and content integrated, subject area ingrates into themes
                          2. Examples: cooperative learning groups, authentic literature activities, guarded vocabulary, using realia, IPOTS, interviews
                        2. Cognitive
                          1. Learner- centered, focused on explicit teaching of learning strategies
                            1. Methods
                              1. CALLA- language instruction that is developmentally appropriate, focus on CALP, content area is integrated, focus on background knowledge, L1 and L2 are utilized, explicit instruction of metacognitive, cognitive, and social learning strategies
                              2. Examples: graphic organizers, think alouds, cooperative learning groups, word walls, self reflections,
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