Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Instrumentation
- Solo soprano voice
- Women's chorus
- Symphony orchestra
- Structure
- Strophic
- Two verses and a coda
- Linked without
from previous
and to following
song in opera
- Harmony
- Extended chords
- Dominant 11ths, 13ths
and added 6ths
- Modal cadences
- References to
whole tone scales
- Augmented (French) 6th chord
- Tonality
- B minor
- Melody
- Entirely diatonic
- Pentatonic
- One note exception
- Some blues notes
- Countermelodu
- Glissando
- Falling slide
- Used on final note
of each verse
- Acciaccatura
- Used on last
note of verses
- Word setting nearly
entirely syllabic
- Context
- An aria
- Part of an opera
- Called 'Porgy and Bess'
- Taken from scene where
mother is singing a lullaby to
her baby
- Spoilers: the parents die
- Many hints at lullaby
- E.g. the rocking
quavers played by
- Rhythm and Metre
- Some syncopation
in melody
- Some dotted
rhythms in melody
- Swung quavers
- Some cross rhythms
- Simple duple time
- 2/2
- Texture
- Melody dominated