Zusammenfassung der Ressource
1957- 1964
- 1957
- 1958
- January
- Resignation of Thorneycroft, Powell and Birch from exchequer
- 1959
- 1960
- January
- Macmillan makes "Wind of changes speech
- July
- Aneurin Bevan dies
- October
- Labour Conference endorses unilateral nuclear disarmament
- 1961
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- July
- Edward heath's resale price maintenance act comes into force
- October
- Generl election - slender Labour victory
- January
- De Gaulle vetoes Britain's attempt to join he European Community.
Gaitskell unexpectedly dies
- February
- Wilson takes over
- March
- Profumo lies to commons over the affair with Christine Keeler
- April
- Maudling's tax- cutting Budget
- June
- Profumo resigns
- October
- Macmillan resigns
- February
- National Economic Development Council set up
- July
- Macmillan "night of the long knives" - sacks a third of cabinet
- October
- Vassall spy scandal
- July
- Britain applies to join the European Community
- September
- Large CND demonstration in Trafalgar Square
- October
- Gaitskell gets the Labour Conference to drop unilateral nuclear disarmament
- November
- Private eye is launched as satirical magazine
- April
- Heathcoat-Amory offers a giveaway Budget
- October
- General election - convincing Conservative victory
- November
- First section of M1 motorway opened by Ernest Marples
- February
- CND holds first meeting
- November
- Vicky creates "Supermac"
- January
- Macmillan becomes prime minister
- April
- Sandys' Defence White paper
- July
- Macmillan's "Never had it so good" speech at Bedford