Skye Waulking - Capercaillie


Music (Skye Waulking - Capercaillie) Mindmap am Skye Waulking - Capercaillie, erstellt von bethanygrace7 am 17/04/2013.
Mindmap von bethanygrace7, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von bethanygrace7 vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Skye Waulking - Capercaillie
  1. Background: Spetember 2000; Celtic fusion or Folk Rock
    1. Dynamics: begins piano; changes throughout, fades out at end.
      1. Rhythm and metre: ambiguous at start; voice in verse 2 helps to establish 12/8 time signature.
        1. Structure: Stophic. Intro - Verse 1 (with a break) - Verses 2 to 6 - Instrumental - Verses 7 and 8 - Outro.
          1. Melody: Vocal melody is pentatonic; changes between pentatonic on E and pentatonic on G; repeated notes; mostly conjunct; ornamentation; syllabic.
            1. Instruments: Folk: Fiddle (tremolo), Accordian, Uillean pipes, Bouzouki. Popular: Drum kit, Synthesiser, Bass, Wurtlitzer piano, Vocals.
              1. Tempo: moderato; andante.
                1. Tonality: pentatonic on E and Pentatonic on G; opening suggests minor - ends major.
                  1. Texture: mostly homophonic; unaccompanied voice; counter melody; heterophonic.
                    1. Harmony: sustained discord; E minor - G; verse 7 uses added 9th chords; outro: C-G.
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