Independent behaviour- situational factors


AS level Psychology- JYO ( Social Psychology- Conformity AS) Mindmap am Independent behaviour- situational factors, erstellt von soozi fullstop am 15/01/2014.
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Mindmap von soozi fullstop, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Erstellt von soozi fullstop vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Independent behaviour- situational factors
  1. Conditions in Milgram's experiments that resulted in low obedience levels-
    1. setting-low status
      1. Proximity to victim-high
        1. Proximity to authority- low
          1. social support-others disobeying
          2. Ghamson, Fireman and Rytina
            1. Gamson et al set up a situation where the participant were encouraged to rebel against an unjust authority
              1. The researchers placed an advert in a newspaper asking for volunteers to take part in a paid group discussion on standard behaviour in the community. The participants were split into groups where the discussion was to take place, on standard behaviour in the community.
                1. The participants were split into large groups where the discussion was to take place, Holiday Inn. The groups were made up of nine people and they met by an actor who claimed to be a human relations consultant. The fake company was called 'manufacturers Human Relations Consultants' A man explained that hthe compnay was conducting research for an oil company whcih was taking legal action against a petrol statoin manager.
                  1. They argued that the manager had been sacked because his lifestyle was offensive to the local community. The manager argued that he was sacked because he had spoken out about high petrol prices
                    1. Participants were asked to take part in a group discussion about the sacking and it was filmed. The discussion showed the views the [participants were irrelevant and the HR company wanted them to argue in favour of the sacking.
                      1. At a number of points during the discussion the cameraman stopped the camera and told them to argue in favour of the oil company''s decision to sack the manager. Finally the partial participants were asked to sign a consent form allowing the film to be shown in a court case.
                      2. Results of Ghamson, Fireman and Rytina
                        1. Out of thirty three groups tested by Gamson et al, thirty two rebelled in some way. In twenty five out of thirty two groups the majority of group members refused to sign the consent form. In nine groups they threatened legal action against the HR company.
                          1. Rebellion against authority in this context involved challenging two well established social norms in thie situation, the norm of obedience and the norm of commitment, both of which participants had agreed in by taking part.
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