Strange Situation Attachment Types- Evaluation


AS level Psychology- JYO (AS Developmental Psychology) Mind Map on Strange Situation Attachment Types- Evaluation, created by soozi fullstop on 22/12/2013.
soozi fullstop
Mind Map by soozi fullstop, updated more than 1 year ago
soozi fullstop
Created by soozi fullstop almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Strange Situation Attachment Types- Evaluation
  1. Positive
    1. Useful tool- procedure can and has been replicated across many places
      1. S.S. is a quick way of providing lots of info about babies' attachment types.
      2. Negative
        1. low ecological validity- (however, could still happen @ daycare etc)
          1. Unfamiliar environment for babies and mothers
            1. unnatural behaviour for babies and mothers
            2. lacks population validity- only white, middle class people used.
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            The Strange Situation (Ainsworth 1970)
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