Digital Writing


Mindmap am Digital Writing, erstellt von jlowe.teacher am 16/01/2014.
Mindmap von jlowe.teacher, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jlowe.teacher vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Digital Writing
  1. electronic texts
    1. non-linear composition and reading


      • This idea of non-linearity is not specific to e-texts; one can pick up a print-based text and start reading from any point.
      1. e-literature
        1. interactive
          1. new forms of writing, representing, and communicating
            1. multiple literacies
              1. navigating textual spaces
              2. meaning making
                1. nontraditional text production
                  1. How do we teach students meaningful digital text production?
                  2. hyperlinking


                    • Hyperlinking is a unique feature of digital texts that allows writers to add in supplemental information without disrupting the flow of the text. 
                    1. incorporation of visuals and multimedia
                        1. new skills
                          1. What does it mean to master the art of writing?
                        2. 21st century classroom
                            1. online environments
                              1. blogging
                                1. less polished and edited? informal?
                                  1. Should we do more to privilege informal writing formats?


                                    • Students will probably encounter more informal writing spaces than formal academic ones.
                                2. collaborative writing tools


                                  • Such as Google Docs.  JF overheard a conversation among students where one said, "See you on Google Docs!" before departing.
                                  1. audience
                                    1. content matters more than if there were no audience
                                    2. purpose
                                      1. changes to the writing process
                                        1. peer feedback
                                          1. reflection
                                            1. track changes
                                              1. clarity and conciseness
                                                1. writing as a social process
                                                  1. Do the benefits of digital writing processes outweigh the drawbacks?
                                                    1. feedback before assessment
                                                      1. How does digital writing change our assessment practices and expectations?
                                                      2. tweeting
                                                        1. effects on students
                                                          1. increased motivation?


                                                            • Are students more motivated to write if it involves technology, compared to traditional pen and paper tasks?
                                                            1. relevance to daily lives
                                                              1. freedom to express and share
                                                                1. students write more?
                                                                  1. less emphasis on mechanics; damaging to formal writing?
                                                                    1. How do we encourage students to think critically about the digital texts they encounter?
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