Breathing & Respertion


this is my work Brother Ossama
Mindmap von xorcaloverx, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von xorcaloverx vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Breathing & Respertion
  1. Resperation
    1. Resperation refers to the series of chemical changes that takes place in cells to release energy.
    2. Resperation System
      1. Your respiratory system takes in air and extracts oxygen from it.
      2. In the Cells
        1. Respiration begins once the oxygen and glucose are together in the cells.
          1. Breathing
            1. The air in the alveoli is constantly replaced when you breathe. Breathing is involuntary.
          2. Energy and oxygen
            1. The amount of energy you consume in your food needs to balance the amount of energy you use.
          3. Where the air goes
            1. When you breathe in, some air may com through your mouth but most of it comes in through your nose.
              1. Meriam
              2. Gas exchange
                1. The walls of the alveoli are only 1 cell thick and are surrounded by tiny blood vessels called capillaries.
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