Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Political Structure of the Roman Republic
- Senate
- Consul
- Highest political office
- Two at one time to stop them
becoming too powerful
- Only served for one year
- Power over the military in wartime
- Praetor
- In charge of the Military
- Had Imperium (Power)
- Answerable only to the Consul
- Could raise an army when
both consuls were away
- Dictator
- Absolute authority
- An extraordinary magistrate
- Given in times of chaos
- War
- Poverty
- Had Judical powers
- Should only be in power for 6 months
- Quaestor
- In charge of financial affairs
- conducted the Audit
- usually a former Tribune
- Collected Taxes
- Censor
- Responsible for public morality
and certain financial aspects
- census office limited to 18 months of Imperium
- Highest regarded position
- Tribune
- President of the Plebian council
- convened the assembly
- proposed legislation
- sacrosanct- very bad to kill
- Only powerful in Rome
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