Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The effects on womens' lives that took
place in Nazi Germany
- couldn't vote
- couldn't get jobs
- didn't recieve good education
- Women had to live on the 3 K's which were
Kinder(children), Kriche(church) and
- weren't allowed to wear make up
- weren't allowed perm
- had to give up jobs
- had to stay at home
- women expected
to have children
- if had 4+ children.. on aug 12th they
were rewarded
- Lebensborn: healthy aryan women
weren't allowed to have abortions
- SS could go and have intercourse with aryan
women in hope to increase aryan population
- weren't allowed proffesional posts
- women weren't allowed to be judges,
prosecutors or member of dury due to 'not
controlling emotions
- weren't allowed jobs in Nazi party
- weren't allowed to smoke
- 'non
- expected to be 'slim'
- were controlled
- always encouraged to have children-
even if not dating or married
- ''take hold of kettle, broom and pan, then you'll surely get a man! Shop and office leave alone, youre true life lies at home'' -Nazi
- not allowed to live on
weimar germany rules
- seen as 'objects' and only useful for mothering and cleaning up
- women were seen to have an overload of emotions which is ''why'' they didn't work or do the things a stereotypical man would
- ''too feminine to work''
- ''men have all power over''
- not strong enough
- ''mentally unstable''
- ''hormonal''
- raiser
- must stick to ''traditions''
- ''housewives''
- 'unaware of world''