Implications of War- Causes, Practices, and Effects Unit


IB IB History Flashcards on Implications of War- Causes, Practices, and Effects Unit, created by AlisonH on 11/10/2013.
Flashcards by AlisonH, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by AlisonH about 11 years ago

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Question Answer
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit LON Postwar communalism extended to the formation of the league of Nations in 1920, with permanent headquarter in Geneva. It was a step towards the concept of a worldwide parliament, but lacked a standing army and the membership of three of the world's superpowers (U.S., U.S.S.R, Germany)
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit LON Continued The LON held many conferences and signed many treaties (See peacemaking and peacekeeping unit). Many countries also had their own organizations, similar to Britain's LON Association.
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Communism Communism spread in Russia and China in similar forms. The Russians revived an international conference of socialist parties, and remained a communist state until 1991 (see The Cold War). The Chinese communism introduced in this period led to things like Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution.
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Africa An interest in Pan-Africanism flourished. Pan-Africanism is "general term for various movements in Africa that have as their common goal the unity of Africans and the elimination of colonialism and white supremacy from the continent." - Pan-Africanism |
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit African Americans Steps towards Civil Rights were taken in the United States, and the NAACP gained influence.
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Religion The concept of catholic countries' corporatism: social harmony could arise if all economic life came together to plan progress and avoid conflict. (Used by Italian State)
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Nationalism Germany and Japan both exhibited extreme nationalism that helped to propel rascist ideals. In the case of Germany it is referred to the concept of a "pure Aryan race".
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Reform Movements In practice, all the postwar reform movements did not live up to peoples hopes and dreams. Economic issues intervened, so traditionalism and nationalism grew.
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Women Women gained a lot of clout because of wartime participation. Large portions of the world's women gained suffrage because of it, as well as increased social equality, freedoms and mobility, and independence.
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Empires Great powers used conquered people to fight their war. This led to increased travel and contact with the "mother country". In some cases, it weakened the empire because of people's exposure to new ideas.
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Empires Continued The Russian Empire was born into a different form. British and French faced unrest in their colonies. Ottoman Empire dissolved. A-H, Russia, and Turkey Weakened by the War. U.S. empire was strengthened.
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Empires Continued (Russia) In Russia, Communism proved to be a means of controlling nationalities, and the empire morphed into the USSR. (See Cold War)
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Empires Continued (UK) Both the British and the French faced unrest in their colonies. Britain had to deal with the emergence of a strong independence movement in India led by Mahatma Ghandi. They also had to deal with armed resistance in Ireland (which finally gained its independence in 1949).
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Palestine & Zionism Arguably the greatest impact of the war on future international issues emerged in Palestine. Under pressure from the Zionist movement (Jews who wanted a homeland for the Jewish people in Israel). The British and U.S. promised a Jewish homeland (1917).
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Palestine & Zionism (Continued) This proved a promise difficult to keep, because when Palestine became a mandate of Britain (1920), the Brits promised the arabs that they wouldn't have to live under Jewish rule. They've promised the same land to two opposing peoples.
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Palestine & Zionism (Continued again) As more and more Jews moved to "the homeland", clashes were sparked and Britain was obligated to intervene. After the Second world war, it became a mandate of the United Nations, offspring of the league of Nations, and the state of Israel was established in 1948. We STILL have problems there.
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit 1919ism and the concept of the "Fairer Society" The idea of the "fairer society was that war would become unnecessary, classes would dissolve, and justice would prevail. It came about at the end of the War, and all things old (like capitalist, imperialist, class-ridden society) were viewed as outdated (1919ism... as in, "classes are sooo 1919. We're over that now.)
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Rise of Socialism All sorts of socialist movements across the globe were appearing, and they showed themselves in different ways Russian Communism Chinese Marxism Nazis Italian Facism "Corporate States" British Labour Party Japanese "everybody work together for the emperor" mentality US Progressives
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit New Morality One of the responses to the horror of the war was "New Morality"- violent anarchy and hedonism. The hedonism, at least, is evident in the rise of the Jazz Age in America, and the nightlife of Weimar Republic era Berlin.
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Changes in Economy Trade networks were disrupted by the war. Nations suffered direct infrastructure damage, heavy war debt, and high inflation. To help deal with this, people (and nations) sold overseas investments. There was a shortage of labor and the economic power shifted to the US and Japan (neither of whom had been so decimated by war as Europe.)
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Changes in Economy (Ag.) For the agriculture sector, the interwar years were marked by instability and hardship (see Dust Bowl). This resulted partially from poor land usage and partially from the fact that the farmers were overproducing and couldn't sell everything.
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Changes in Economy (Industry) The heavy industry businesses faced falling profits at the end of the war because there was no longer a demand for giant guns, aircraft, or explosives. This lead to an increase in unemployment and eventually a worldwide depression.
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Art The world was in a kind of shock after the war, and as a response to this, art became more daring and experimental (see Anita Berber). The Russian Rev. produced some daring and highly expressive works if music and literature. In America, you see the Jazz Age writers dubbed "the Lost Generation" like Hemingway and Fitzgerald, whose work reflected a sense of dissillusionment and cynicism
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Art, Continued Postwar audiences were looking for more novelty; art reflected the societal fragmentation and the styles of Neo-Classicism, Expressionism, and Formalism developed. (See Jazz Age America, Harlem Renaissance)
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit LON- Treaty of Versailles Inevitably in discussions of the first world war and it's lasting effects, someone brings up the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty required that Germany accept blame for the war, pay reparations to allied powers, demilitarize and give up all colonial possessions, as well as territory along their borders. It was remakably harsh on the already ruined nation, and Hitler argued against it during his rise to power.
IMPLICATIONS OF WAR Causes, Practices, and Effects of War Unit Wilson's 14 Points One of the key documents coming out of the first world war with lasting impact is Woodrow Wilson's 14 points speech. It included ideas about self-determination, freedom of the seas. reliance on diplomacy rather than alliances, free trade, demilitarization, and the creation of a League of Nations
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