
Alirio Beltrán
Mindmap von Alirio Beltrán, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Alirio Beltrán
Erstellt von Alirio Beltrán vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Historical background
    1. It is more than just improving practice and developing additional competence
      1. It has its roots in the work of a number of educational theorists and practitioners
        1. reflection-in-action relates thinking and doing
        2. Reflective teaching as professional development
          1. Reflective teaching is beneficial for both pre-service and in-service teachers
            1. programs are becoming more devoted to developing reflective practices in their student teachers
              1. experience previous to a “real job” prepares professionals for a better performance
                1. These programs seek to help novice teachers become more aware of decision-making processes to help them
                  1. acquire the necessary skills and values needed to function adequately
                2. Theory vs. practice
                  1. teachers must posses a rich background knowledge
                    1. theory does not guarantee a good performance
                      1. The key is definitely a balance between theory and practice
                        1. be able to answer students’ questions
                          1. prepare teachers for the possible situations
                            1. linking theory and practice through reflective inquiry brings flexibility in instructional settings
                            2. Reflective teaching in foreign language contexts
                              1. these judgmental practices can impact positively in understanding what is going on
                                1. teachers should be involved deeply in the process
                                  1. teachers are more interested in completing the lesson plan they have organized (regardless its effectiveness)
                                    1. teachers can identify an issue or question to bring before the group and with the help of other colleagues
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                                    ähnlicher Inhalt

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