Although In the 70's there were not so
many video games as we have today,
children in that age definitely enjoyed
them a lot
In the 70's there were some companies
interested in creating arcade and home video
In 1972, there was a company which was pioneer in arcade games,
home video game consoles, and home computers. This company
was one of the first companies to start competing in the electronic
entertaining business
in 1972 there was a digital video game console called "The
Magnavox Odyssey". It was the first commercial home video game
console ever. Designed by Ralph H. Baer, assisted by engineers
William Harrison and William Rusch
From 1976 to 1978 there was a series of video
games consoles produced by a company called
"coleco". There were 14 consoles released in the
Telstar branded series
Telstar (1976)
Telstar Classic (1976)
Telstar Arcade (1978)
In this year, there was a special place where
the children used to go to have fun, this
placed was called "the Arcade". There you
could find games such as...
Space invaders
Temple of Apshai
Although there were more arcade games than games for
homes, the revolution of the video games was rapidly
increased and in one year the video games became the
new option for home entertainment.