Zusammenfassung der Ressource
cognitive approach
- 1st Assumption - in order to understand behaviour we need to investigate what happens between stimulus and response
- cognitive mediators. Memory Attention and Thinking
- thoughts.
- unobservable.
- IICC treatment - depression, phobias
- unsuitable for sch' as it is a talking therapy
- depression - negative faulty thinking. Beck's cognitive triad, self world future.
- Schema - explain gender. pocket of knowledge.
- gender develops with increasing experience with environment and maturation of the brain (thinking)
- behaviourism criticises studying unobservable processes
- 2nd Assumption - humans can be thought as informational processors and therefore can be compared to computers.
- input -- processing and storage -- output
- encode -- processing and storage -- output
- explains human memory
- simplifies behaviour
- sensory t m -- short t m -- long t m
- attention ->
- rehearsal ->
- retrieval
- output
- revision application
- people can forget, computers can't
- humans can't simply download info
- both humans and computers have a capacity.
- humans are more complex than computers.
- lab conditions. Murdock.
- replicable
- nomothetic
- ideographic
- clive wearing (amnesia sufferer)
- Piaget observed his owned children
- interactionalist
- reductionist
- soft determinism