HCP - Outcomes not % to be measured


HCP - Outcomes not % to be measured
Imtiaz  Hussain
Mindmap von Imtiaz Hussain, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Imtiaz  Hussain
Erstellt von Imtiaz Hussain vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

HCP - Outcomes not % to be measured
  1. Early Intervention
    1. Pregnancy
      1. More visits 1001 days
        1. Duplication
          1. Antenatal
            1. 1 hour, lots of info
              1. No of Visits
          2. Sharing info
            1. Across system
            2. Midwifery - constrained by clinical
              1. 14 Days visits - cross over
                1. Flexibility of when to visit - To meet need
                2. Parent opinions - do they want visit
                3. Perception of HV needs to change
                  1. Lack of flex - if sick another professional
                    1. Assessments - Trained to under take
                      1. Choice for parents
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