Urban Green Parks And Academic Achievement


An Assesment on whether the amount of time spent in Whitworth Park influences Students studying at the University Of Manchester's Academic Achievements
Jay De-gilbert
Mindmap von Jay De-gilbert, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jay De-gilbert
Erstellt von Jay De-gilbert vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Urban Green Parks And Academic Achievement
  1. Sustainabilty
    1. Eco-Cities
      1. Green Revolution
        1. Climate Change Adaptation
          1. Low cost, multiple benefits
        2. Key Themes
          1. Urbanisation
          2. Improves quality of life of people. One of the most important factors of sustainaibility
          3. Green Space
            1. Social
              1. Cohesion
                1. Well-Being
                  1. Interaction
                  2. Economic
                    1. Land Use Prices
                      1. Housing
                        1. Visual Amenity
                        2. Students (economic pool)
                        3. Policy Making
                          1. Green Space Under Threat
                            1. (BBC 2015) 'Cuts to 27,00 parks in Britain)
                            2. (Manchester GI strategy 2016) Policy context: National ecosystem assesment, Healthy lives health people white paper, The Greater Manchester Climate Change Strategy 2011-2020, GI Framework
                              1. Accessibility
                              2. Trend of staying indoors (Carringotn 2016)
                              3. Key Literature
                                1. Maas et al. 2010
                                  1. Respondents with a high amount of green space in a three kilometre radius were lless affected by experienceing a stressful life event than those exposed to a low amount of green space
                                  2. Saraev, V 2015
                                    1. Economic: Aesthetically pleasing greenspace increases land and property values
                                    2. Herbert, S. 2000
                                      1. Ethnographic observations provide insights into everyday life to unmask feelings which undergrid social action
                                      2. Gap In Knowledge: vast array of literature analysing the link between green space and well-being and well-being and achievement but nothing on direct link of green space and actual achievement. This research hopes to bridge the gap
                                      3. Methods
                                        1. Ethnography
                                          1. insight into everyday life (Herbert, S. 2000)
                                            1. Undergrid Social Meaning
                                              1. Visual engagement with Actors
                                              2. Qualitative
                                                1. Questionnaires
                                                  1. Primary
                                                    1. Open ended Questions
                                                      1. opinionated
                                                        1. Capture emotion
                                                        2. Fixed questions
                                                          1. Responses are easier to analyse as they fall into a limited set of categories (Fink and Kosecoff 1998)
                                                        3. Secondary statistical data and Literature
                                                          1. Trial and error
                                                            1. Actual evidence of past findings
                                                              1. Perspective
                                                                1. Practical statistical data of grades received off UNI
                                                                2. Limitations
                                                                  1. Avoid sensitive questions
                                                                    1. Risk and ethics
                                                                  2. Academic Achievement
                                                                    1. Practial
                                                                      1. Range of factors associated with green space
                                                                        1. Escapism
                                                                          1. Urban Parks Associated with escapism from the stressful rhythm of the city (Chiesura, A 2004)
                                                                          2. All Round Mental Health and Happiness
                                                                            1. more confidence
                                                                              1. feel better about yourself
                                                                                1. motivation
                                                                                  1. Scientists conducted research on the link betwen green space and happiness. The actors well-being was ranked using General health questionnaire. The findings declared that people moving to areas with more green space were happier for three years after there move and this only grew over time (Gilbert 2016)
                                                                                2. Location: Whitworth park close to University, easy to access
                                                                                3. Research Aims
                                                                                  1. Why and how do students interact with Whitworth Park
                                                                                    1. Other factors that may influence outcomes
                                                                                      1. Gender
                                                                                        1. Different ideologies of perception and use of green space (Richardson and Mitchell 2010)
                                                                                      2. How much time a week do students spend in Whitworth Park
                                                                                        1. To consider the relationship between predicted grades and amount of time spent in Greenspace using university data
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