Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Article 2: Singapore
gearing up for increasing
water stress in Asia.
- People affected by water
- 800 million Asians (According to statistics from
- A billion more Asians by 2050 according to MIT academic journal, PLoS ONE
- Causes of the water stress
- Increasing
- Impact on society and politics
- Overcrowding, foreign talent, immigrants, pressure on infrastructure,
racial/social tensions
- Increasing population
- Climate
- Solutions
- Technology: Researchers use computer simulations to identify which cause has
the greatest impact on SIngapore's water stress
- 4 main sources of water; local catchements, imported water, NEWater,
- PUB will continue to develop new methods to minimise the cost and
energy consumption of water production while enhancing the resilence
of the water supply
- PUB will encourage the public to save
- Commercial water users that use 60,000 cubic m of water or more a year have to submit Water Efficiency Management
- Other countries
- China
- Main driver: Industrial growth
- India
- Population growth
- Malaysia
- Facing dry spells which emphasises
need to diversify water sources.
- Issue
- In 2060, water demand is expected to double: 430 million gallons a day
- Lack natural freshwater sources and fossil fuel reserves