Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The obese horse
- Change the diet
- Remove all concentrates
- Reduce the roughage
- The horse needs 2% of its weight in concentrates
- Soak hay for 12 hours
- Vitamin supliment
- Equine metabolic disease
- Pre disposing factors
- Fat
- release of bad toxins
- Leptin
- Resistin
- Cortisol
- Free fatty acids
- Cytokines
- Damage the horse lamella
- TNF-alpha
- IL-1
- IL-6
- 11 beta dehydrogenase
- Promotes cortisol
- Decreases sensitivity to insulin
- Crest size directly correlates with mental fat
- Native breed
- There is some heritability
- Issues
- Insulin and glucose tollerence
- Hypercoagulable
- predisposing to laminitis
- Vascular compramise
- Predisposing to laminitis
- Diagnosis
- Insulin-glucose tolerance testing
- A base line glucose blood sample is taken after 12 hours of fasting then samples are at 1, 5 and 10 minuets followed but samples ever 10 minuets up to an hour then every 30 minuets up to 2.5 hours
- Treatment
- Thyroxine
- increases the basal metabolism
- Laminitis treatment
-Pain killers
-light exercise once better
- Weight loss
- anti hyperglycemic agents
- Metformin
- Acts on liver
- Actions short lived
- Endocrine problems
- Diagnosis options
- Gold standard ACTH assay
- Hypothyroidism
- Extremely rare
- Joint and hoof issues
- Laminitis
- Hyper lipemia/lipidaemia
- Hyper lipemia- plasma triglycerides >5mmol/l
- Hyper lipidaemia is an increase in blood fats
- Risk factors
- Fat
- Genetics
- Breed
- lactating
- Pregnancy
- Inactivity
- Underlying disease
- Stress
- Diagnosis
- If the pony is ill and fat test, if it is peripartuant on top of that test ASAP!!
- Blood sample
- White plasma
- triglycerides >5mmol/l
- increased liver enzymes
- azotaemia
- electrolyte issues
- Hypoglycemia
- Treatment
- Treat the underlying cause
- Nutritional support
- reverse negative energy balance
- Enteral feeding
- Pre brought or home made
- highly palatable feed.
- Fluids
- Correct electrolyte abnormalities
- Diuresis if metabolic acidosis
- Exogenous insulin and heperin
- decreases lipolysis
- Prevention
- decrease BCS
- correct energy balance
- miinimise stress
- Infertility