Period Three (1754-1800)


10th grade APUSH Mindmap am Period Three (1754-1800), erstellt von amanda.m am 04/05/2016.
Mindmap von amanda.m, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von amanda.m vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Period Three (1754-1800)
  1. 1754= Start of Seven Years War
    1. 1800= Jefferson's election
      1. Seven Years' War
        1. British/colonists v. French/native americans
          1. British won; expelled french from America
            1. Watershed Event: end salutary neglect, tax colonies ^ colonial resistance
        2. Thomas Paine: "Common Sense"
          1. Enlightement thinker, urged colonists to break away from GB
          2. Declaration of Independence
            1. Jefferson, Adams Franklin: Inspired by T-Paine, Locke
              1. list of grievances against KG3
              2. American Revolution (1765-83)
                1. loyalist opposition
                  1. military and $ advantages of GB
                  2. support from Europe
                    1. idealogical commitment
                  3. Articles of Confederation
                    1. weak central govn't
                      1. Northwest Land Ordinance: process for admitting states of 60,000 people
                        1. outlawed slavery in NW Territory
                          1. public education
                      2. Constitution
                        1. Federalism and seperation of powers
                          1. Great Compromise, 3/5 Compromise, Slave Trade Compromise
                            1. Madison
                              1. Postponed slavery solution to later
                                1. Bill of Rights added later
                                2. French Rev. led to Jefferson and Hamilton fighting and political parties
                                  1. G.W. warned against foreign alliances and political parties
                                  2. "Republican Motherhood"
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