Zusammenfassung der Ressource
the development gap
- categorising countries
- Brandt report
- not a true division because of Australia
- north-south divide
- biased
- 1981
- simpler
- first second and third world
(fourth added later)
- unreliable
- boundaries unclear
- biased
- earliest method
- first- richest. second-middle. third-poorest.
- 5 fold division
- the divisions
- rich industrialising
- oil exporting
- newly industrialising countries
- former centrally
planned goverment
- heavily endebted
- complex
- more detailed
- clearer, less biased
- includes history of countries
- specific
- how to measure development
- access to clean water
- life expectancy
- HDI (human development index)
- birth rate
- death rate
- food consumption
- literacy rate
- infant mortality rate
- doctor-patient ratio
- GNP (gross national product)
- GNI (gross national income)
- limitations of using one development measure
- they are an average so don't
show huge variation in a country
- economic measures
give no indication
towards living standards
- some give narrow and confusing pictures
- many countries have a low
death rate now so isn't very
- Haiti earth quake
- 12/1/10
- $14 billion of damage
- 230,000 killed
300,000 injured
- around 1 million people
were left homless
- 50% of schools
were destroyed
- 99 hospitals were destroyed
- roads and railways were unusable
because of hug cracks in the road
and bends in the tracks
- 90,000 people
left jobless
- 7 on the
Richter scale