Properties of light


Properties of light, their definitions and examples
Mindmap von zvega, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von zvega vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Properties of light
  1. refraction
    1. Refraction occurs because light bends through a lens. A lens is a piece of transparent material. It is usually made of glass and has at least one curved surface.The curved surface of a lens bends the light.This might cause white light into colours (rainbow).
      1. Examples
        1. The prism
          1. The magniyfing glass
      2. opaque
        1. impenetrable to light, by not allowing light to pass through.
          1. Examples
            1. An apple
              1. A cardboard
          2. transparent
            1. Transparent is when light passes though an object/substance
              1. Examples
                1. Glass
                  1. Transparent Plastic
              2. translucent
                1. Translucent is when an object lets some light pass through it and absobes some so it is not really clear what you see through it
                  1. Examples
                    1. Translucent plastic
                      1. Translucent glass
                  2. diffraction
                    1. Diffraction occurs when light bends around an obstacle or spreads through an opening
                      1. Examples
                        1. Spaced tracks on a CD
                          1. An object partially submerge in water
                      2. reflection
                        1. Reflection is something that can be seen in another surface
                          1. Examples
                            1. The reflection on a mirror
                              1. The reflection on a lake/ocean
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