Oral Presentation


Jhonatan Díaz3932
Mindmap von Jhonatan Díaz3932, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jhonatan Díaz3932
Erstellt von Jhonatan Díaz3932 vor etwa 8 Jahre

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Oral Presentation
  1. J: In Valencia, things are quieter than here
    1. you don’t feel that everything is going to change faster
      1. I went to Caracas, that is the noisiest city I’ve ever been to
        1. Do you think that Santiago is a noisy city?
        2. L: Despite the fact that I haven't been on too many places, Santiago gets the prize of the noisiest city I have ever visit.
          1. you can always see people running, shouting, and living really fast
            1. Here in Santiago there's some sort of cult to junk food,
              1. Is Valencia as unhealthy as Santiago, talking about food?
              2. J: in this globalized world, it’s difficult to find a place where people don’t want to eat junk food,
                1. But in Valencia you can find a lot of people who sell hot dogs on the street with their cars
                  1. There the life is quieter than here. People go to the beach very often, and go to a lot of parties, because the idiosyncrasy is hedonis
                    1. Although Caracas is nosy and crowded, you don’t feel the time
                      1. Do you think that in Santiago people is very stressed?
                      2. L : I haven’t seen more stressed people than the ones you can find in Santiago
                        1. we just need to go to the centre of the city, and take a look
                          1. we found and orchestra consisting of car horns
                            1. people selling all kind of objects in the street
                              1. we have to deal with people’s long faces that they just show us how bitter their lifes are
                              2. what do you think is the worst habit from the people who has this lifestyle
                              3. J:I think that this people lacks of empathize
                                1. if you are absorbed every day in this lacks of time naturally you won’t be able to understand another person, and connect with somebody else’s feelings
                                  1. And what do you think about it?
                                  2. L: I think the most serious issue from people is that they just close in themselves
                                    1. they don´t stop and think that there is more people with troubles
                                    2. L: Well partner. How do you think people live here in Santiago? How is the routine of these
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