Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- The study the structure and system of a language, or of languages in general, considering syntax and morphology
- Greek and Latin: Those languages are the root of other grammar since they were the way of
communicating and sharing knowledge.
- The Prescriptive Approach: Grammarians dictate the rules of how to write
english correctlybased on the Traditional Analysis of makin an analogy
between languages.
- The Descriptive Approach: How it is, indeed, Language
used by the speakers
- Structural Analysis: this studies how the parts of speech are put in
the sentence and if they make sense, so the Test Frame (examination
of a part of speech in the sentence to see if it fits correctly) must be
- Yves has twelve ________ at home.
In the blank of this sentence, it
could correctly fit the word "cats"
because it is a noun in plural but it
would not fit the adjective "stately"
because it makes no sense
- Constituent Analysis: here every part of speech is taken in group which is
called "phrases" So we get: Noun Phrases, Prepositional Phrases, Verb
- A Sentence = Noun Phrase + Verb phrase
- Parts of Speech: the blocks that form the language only if they follow
the correct grammatical structure
- Nouns
- Words that name things such as objects, ideas, places
- Artcles
- words that help classifying the Nouns
- Adjectives
- they describe, modify or judge nouns.
- Verbs
- indicate Action in the sentence
- Adverbs
- they modify adjectives, verbs; indicating how the action was done
- Prepositions
- show the relationship (time and place) between nouns or pronouns to another word.
- Pronouns
- Words that refer to people or place already said / they can substitute
- Conjunctions
- they link other words ( and, because ...)
- Agreement: The harmony in
the sentence with Number ,
Person, Tense , Voice & Gender
- Grammatical Gender: Indicates the kind noun if it is
Masculine or Neuter or feminine. ( when it comes to Natural
gender : male or female which are based on the sex)