Zusammenfassung der Ressource
before 1924
- Brief Timeline
- Prior to 1917
- Russia ruled by Tsars
- Power handed down through tsarist dynasty
: monarchy
- 1900
- Changes brought after
- representative government created to
work with the tsar - ineffective
- 1914 - 17
- Russia fights in WW1 -
withdrew 1917
- 1917
- Year of revolution and
- February revolution, Russia ruled
by the 'provisional government' until
October revolution - led by
- Leader - Lenin. Bolsheviks take
power in Russia
- During the Bolshevik struggle for
survival in the civil war Lenin faced
many opponents
- Left wing revolutionary groups - objected to
Bolshevik seizure of power and subsequent
actions. Opposition groups included: Mensheviks
and Socialist Revolutionaries
- Opponents to the right, landlords and
business men who found property
confiscated and other rights taken
away from them in the name of the
'Russian people'
- Former tsarist generals, who
objected to Bolshevik actions such as
signing of Treaty of Brest-Litovsk,
making large concessions to
Germany in order to stop the German
- Some members of national
groups within the former
Russian empire, seeking to
establish ' break away' states
- Armies from 17 foreign
nations, including
Britain, USA, France
and Japan.
- Key Terms
- Constituent Assembly
- The parliament elected
soon after Bolshevik
- The elections did not
produce a Bolshevik majority
so Lenin closed it down and
ruled by force
- Mensheviks
- The group of Social Democrats that did
not become part of Lenin's Bolshevik
group when the SDP divided in 1903
- Formed a separate party in 1917
and did not take part in the October
Revolution. They were suppressed in 1922
- Socialist Revolutionaries
- Radical Party formed in the 1890's
and looking to the peasants as a
revolutionary force
- Party split and Left SRs
collaborated with the Bolsheviks
in 1917
- Party effectively suppresed by Bolsheviks by 1920
- Former Russian Empire
- Included Muslim territories, Asian, Ukraine, South, although
in theory, these places were given independence, however
by the time of Lenin's death they had all been incorporated
into the USSR ruled from Moscow by the communist party
- Soviets
- Russian word for council. Most
members elected by workers,
soldiers or sailors
- Cheka
- Power to
investigate, arrest,
interrogate, try to
execute any
opponents of the
- Created first Soviet labour
camps responsible for up to
200, 000 deaths
- Replaced by GPU
in 1922