Fat Metabolism


Nutrition and Health Mindmap am Fat Metabolism, erstellt von laurajanemurray am 24/04/2013.
Mindmap von laurajanemurray, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von laurajanemurray vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Fat Metabolism
  1. Sources of fatty acids available to tissue


    • Fatty Acids are oxidised in the Mitocondria- 2 carbons removed to produce Acetyl Co-A---> Enters the Citric Acid Cycle.
    1. Fed state
      1. Chylomicrons


        • Assembled in the small intestine  and VLDL. Exported from the Liver. Bind to Lipo-Protein Lipase. (Lipo-Protein lipase catalyses hydrolysis of tri-acylglycerides and free fatty acids)
        • Released fatty acids enter the cells. Some remain in blood stream and taken up by the liver to be re-esterified and exported in VLDL
      2. Fasted State
        1. Tri-acylglycerols


          • Hydrolysis of Tri-acylglycerols catalysed by hormone sensitive Lipase to release free fatty acids into the blood stream- to bind with albumin and be transported to tissues. Hormone sensitive Lipase released from adipose tissue in response to a falling Insulin or adrenaline secretion.
        2. Glycerol


          • Released by Lipase or Lipo-protein lipase. Mainly transported to the liver and used as a metabolic fuel or for glucogenesis 
          1. Factors affecting Fatty Acid Synthesis
            1. Insulin-STIMULATES
              1. Glucagon-REDUCES
            2. Ketone Bodies
              1. Fasting State


                • Tissues cannot meet energy requirements from Fatty Acids alone. The Liver forms more Acetyl-CoA from fatty acids. Synthesizes Ketone bodes and exports them to other tissues for use as a metabolic fuel
                1. Acetoacetate


                  • Chemically Unstable --> Yields acetone which is poorly metabolized, it is mainly secreted through Urine or exhaled air. To avoid secretion of this fuel. Most Acetoacetate is reduced to B-Hydroxybuterate before being released from the liver. Acetoacetate utilization is regulated by the citric acid cycle.
                  1. B-Hydroxybuterate
                    1. Acetone
                      1. High Blood concentration = Ketosis
                        1. Metabolic Acidosis
                      2. Tissue Reserves
                        1. Fed State


                          • Substrates are converted into storage compounds to be used in the fasting state
                          1. Tri-acylglycerols


                            • In Adipose tissue
                            1. Glycogen


                              • In the Liver and Muscle
                            2. Fasting State


                              • Reserves are metabolized and used Glucagon forms Glucose. Increased supple of Amino Acids from protein for glucogenesis; due to faster catabolism of protein than synthesis
                              1. Adipose Tissue reserves Fatty Acids and Glycerol
                                1. Glycogen forms Glucose
                              2. Fatty Acid & Triacylglycerol Synthesis
                                1. B-Oxidation occurs in Mitocondrial Matrix
                                  1. Fatty Acid synthesis occurs in the Cytosol
                                    1. Acetyl-CoA derived from Pantenoic acid & Cysteamine
                                      1. Triacylglycerols


                                        • Lipid found in Adipose tissue. Synthesis in small intestine, lives, adipose tissue, lactating mammary glands and skeletal muscle.
                                        1. Synthesis in adipose tissue from Fatty Acids & Packed into Chylomicrons
                                      2. Adipose Tissue
                                        1. Takes up Fatty Acids from Chylomicrons and VLDL
                                          1. Tri-acylglycerols are synthesized from dietary fatty acids and packages to Chylomicrons
                                          2. Lipo-Proteins
                                            1. VLDL


                                              • Assembled in the liver. Contain Triacylclycerols, cholesterol and cholesterol/esters and lipids from chylomicron remnants. VLDL are gradually depleted of lipids forming IDL. 
                                              1. IDL


                                                • IDL take up cholesterol esters to form LDL
                                                1. Chylomicrons


                                                  • Least dense Formed in the intestinal mucosa. Circulate as a source of Tri-acylglycerols in the fed state --->Packages into Chylomicrons which appear in blood stream 60 mins after fatty meal Chylomicron remnants are cleared by the liver
                                                  1. LDL


                                                    • LDL receptor synthesis is repressed by Cholesterol. Less LDL will be cleared from the Liver. High LDL and Cholesterol major factor in development of athersclorosis and ischaemic heart disease.
                                                    1. High Levels
                                                      1. Increased Synthesis & Secretion of VLDL
                                                        1. Decreased LDL clearance
                                                          1. Not Cleared ---> Lipid Engorged Macrophages--->Necrosis of blood vessel endothelium = Atherosclerotic Plaque
                                                        2. HDL


                                                          • Surplus cholesterol exported Via HDL. Return to liver for excretion and catabolism. HDL secreted from Liver as a lipid poor protein and takes up cholesterol from tissues by enzymatic action.
                                                        3. Glycogen
                                                          1. Fed State = Glycogen synthesised from glucose in both liver and muscle
                                                            1. Fasted State = Glycogen is broken down by the removal of glucose units
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