Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Gender Patterns in Crime
- do women really commit fewer crimes or are figures an invalid picture?
- how can we explain why those women who do offend commit crime?
- why do males commit more crimes than females
- crime appears to be committed
mostly by men
- 4/5 convicted offender
are men
- by 40 9% of females had a criminal
conviction compared to 32% of
- typical female crimes less likely to
be reported
- property crime and shop lifting not noticed and not reported
prostitution not likely to reported by either party
- when reported women are less likely to be
prosecuted or they are let off lightly
- gender differences
- more females are convicted for
property offences (except burglary)
- more men are convicted for sexual offences
- men are more likely to re-offend have longer
criminal careers and to commit more serious crimes
- men 15x more likely to be convicted of homicide
- Chivalry Thesis
- most criminal justice agents are men and have been
socialised to act in a chivalrous way
- system more lenient with women so
crimes less likely to end up in the official
- gives an invalid picture that exaggerates the extent of gender differences
- evidence from self report studies
- Graham & Bowling - males more likely to
offend but difference is smaller that what
official stats show
- men 2.33x more likely to admit their offence but official stats show 4x more likely
- women more likely to be cautioned than
- Ministry of justice 2009 - 49% of females cautioned compared to 30% men
- Buckle & Farrington - twice as many males
witnessed shoplifting than females ; women
shoplifters more likely to be prosecuted than men
- female offenders more likely to show remorse
and so receive a caution - not bc of chivalry
- Farrington & Morris - studied 408 theft
sentences and found that women were not
sentenced more leniently for comparable
- may be because offences are
less serious
- Box's review of self report studies show that women who commit serious offences are not treated more favourably than men
- less likely to go to trial as offences are not so serious
- Bias against women
- criminal justice not in favour of women as chivalry thesis states but against them
- Heidonsohn - courts treat females
more harshly when they deviate from
gender norms
- Double standards - courts
punish girls but not boys for
being premature or
- femenists - exist bc criminal
justice system is patriarchal
- e.g. male judges can be sexist and
victim blaming when it comes to
rape cases
- women who do not conform to
monogamous heterosexuality and
motherhood are punished more
- Carlen
- when women are jailed it is less for the seriousness of their
crimes and more according to the courts assessment of them
as wives mothers and daughters
- Scottish judges more likely to jail women whose children
were in care than women who they saw as good mothers
- Alder
- women who are deemed to lack respectability (single parents, punks
and peace protesters) find it difficult to have their testimony believed by
the court