
cpe ENGLISH VOCABULARY Mindmap am SLOW, erstellt von kiejrys am 23/02/2014.
Mindmap von kiejrys, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von kiejrys vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

    1. BY AND BY
      1. eventually, ultimately, finally, in the end, one day, some day, sooner or later, in time, in a while, in the long run, in the fullness of time, in time to come, at length, in the future, in due course, over the long haul
        1. as time passes: you'll feel better by and by
        2. DALLY
          1. act or move slowly: workers were loafing, dallying, or goofing off
          2. DRIFT
            1. (of a person) walk slowly, aimlessly, or casually: people began to drift away
              1. move passively, aimlessly, or involuntarily into a certain situation or condition: I was drifting off to sleep
                1. be carried slowly by a current of air or water: the cabin cruiser started to drift downstream
                2. DELIBERATELY
                  1. consciously and intentionally; on purpose: the fire was started deliberately
                    1. in a careful and unhurried way: slowly and deliberately he rose from the armchair
                    2. FLOAT
                      1. (float about/around) (of a rumor, idea, etc.) circulate:
                        1. move or hover slowly and lightly in a liquid or the air; drift: clouds floated across a brilliant blue sky
                          1. (of a sight or idea) come before the eyes or mind: the advice his father had given him floated into his mind
                          2. EASY DOES IT
                            1. used especially in spoken English to advise someone to approach a task carefully and slowly. Easy, easy does it, not too much, just a little bit more.
                            2. GRADUAL
                              1. taking place or progressing slowly or by degrees: the gradual introduction of new methods
                              2. INCH BY INCH
                                1. gradually; bit by bit: inch by inch he crept along the wall
                                2. LAG
                                  1. fall behind in movement, progress, or development; not keep pace with another or others: they stopped to wait for one of the children who was lagging behind
                                  2. ROLLING
                                    1. moving by turning over and over on an axis: a rolling ball


                                      • AXIS - OŚ
                                      1. done or happening in a steady and continuous way: a rolling program of reforms
                                      2. NUDGE
                                        1. prod (someone) gently, typically with one’s elbow, in order to draw their attention to something: people were nudging each other and pointing at me
                                          1. touch or push (something) gently or gradually: the canoe nudged a bank of reeds
                                            1. approach (an age, figure, or level) very closely: both men were nudging fifty
                                            2. POKY
                                              1. annoyingly slow or dull: his poky old horse I slept through his poky sermons
                                                1. (of a room or building) uncomfortably small and cramped: five of us shared the poky little room
                                                2. SIDLE
                                                  1. creep, sneak, slink, slip, slide, steal, edge, inch, move furtively
                                                    1. walk in a furtive, unobtrusive, or timid manner, especially sideways or obliquely: I sidled up to her
                                                    2. SLACK
                                                      1. loose: a slack rope
                                                        1. slow or sluggish: they were working at a slack pace
                                                        2. SLUGGISH
                                                          1. slow-moving or inactive: a sluggish stream
                                                            1. lacking energy or alertness: Alex woke late feeling tired and sluggish
                                                              1. slow to respond or make progress: the car had been sluggish all morning
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