Macro and Micro Nutrients


Mindmap am Macro and Micro Nutrients, erstellt von Alice Stokes am 25/04/2013.
Alice Stokes
Mindmap von Alice Stokes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Alice Stokes
Erstellt von Alice Stokes vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Macro and Micro Nutrients
  1. Macro Nutrients.
    1. Carbohydrates - conatined in bread, pasta, potatoes, rice. Provide us with energy.
      1. Fats - conatined in butter, oil, fatty meats and fried food. Provide us with energy but should be eaten in moderation. Can lead to weight gain.
        1. Protein - contained in cheese, milk, eggs, lean meat and fish. Aids muscle growth.
    2. Micro Nutrients
      1. Minerals and vitamins. Help with your immune system, general growth and health. Vitamins - fresh fruit and veg. Minerals - meat and veg.
        1. Vitamin D is in dairy foods. Calcium is to keep our bones strong
          1. Water and Fibre. Water prevents dehydration. Fibre aids the digestive system.
        2. Timing of Dietry Intake.
          1. For an average sized meal you should leave at least two hours before exercise.
            1. The digestive system needs an increased blood flow + so do the working muscles when exercising. A conflict will occur if you eat just before exercise.
              1. It can take up to four hours to fully digest a large meal.
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