Grand Narrative


College Religion and Philosophy (Hebrew Bible ) Mindmap am Grand Narrative, erstellt von Emily Edgehouse am 27/02/2014.
Emily Edgehouse
Mindmap von Emily Edgehouse, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Emily Edgehouse
Erstellt von Emily Edgehouse vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Grand Narrative
  1. Torah
    1. Genesis (Adam and Eve --> Joseph in Egypt)
      1. Exodus (Moses from Egypt to Sinai)
        1. Leviticus (Moses and law)
          1. Deuteronomy (Moses last speech and death)
            1. Numbers (Moses and census)
            2. Former Prophets
              1. Joshua (Israel in Canaan)
                1. Judges (disobedience, battle, peace)
                  1. Samuel
                    1. 1 Samuel (Saul as king --> David as commander)
                      1. 2 Samuel (David as king, death)
                      2. Kings
                        1. 1 Kings (Solomon as king --> Elijah's death)
                          1. 2 Kings (Elisha succeeds Elijah --> exile)
                          2. Nehemiah (reconstruction)
                            1. Ezra (2nd temple and reconstruction)
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