Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Population theorists
- Pessimists
- Malthus (and
- Population and demand for food
increase faster than food supply
- Insufficient food
for the population
- Increased
levels of misery
- war
- Famine
- Decreased
fertility levels
- Disease
- Increased levels
of moral restraint
- Celibacy
- Later marriage
- Decreased
fertility levels
- Increased
incidence of...
- Abortion
- Decreased
fertility levels
- Decline in population
- Infanticide
- Neomalthusians
- Technologies and
consumption patterns
- Environmental
- Resource
- Evidence
- Wars and famines
- Ethiopia
- Sudan
- Sahel
- Food and Agricultural
Organisation (FAO) - 800 million
are chronicallly malnourished
- Populationg
growth in LEDCs
increased after
death fate fell
- Water scarcity is
predicted to be a
major resource issue
- By 2050, 45% of the world
population will live in areas
that can't provide 50l needed
per day for basic needs - UN
- Climate change
- Optimmists
- Ester Boserup
- Technology
leads to
- Development
of resources
- Intensification of
- Provide for the
- Demand
- Simon and Lomborg
- Pesticides
causing cancer
- 1960s
- No rise in
linked to
- Running
out of oil
- 1970s
- Oil reserves
- Failure of
food supply
- 1970s
- Green
revolution and
- Food production
per head increased
- Nuclear fear
- 1970s
- Nuclear
accidents rare
- Desertification
- 1980s
- Deserts have
not advanced
- Acid rain damage
- 1980s
- Acid rain has
killed no forests
- Ozone layer thinning
- 1980s
- Rainforests
still 80%
- Elephant on
point of extinction
- 1980s
- Elephant
never in danger
of extinction
- Deforestation
- 1990s
- Rainforests
still 80%