Population theorists


Geogrpahy Mindmap am Population theorists, erstellt von Ruth Armitage am 27/04/2013.
Ruth Armitage
Mindmap von Ruth Armitage, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ruth Armitage
Erstellt von Ruth Armitage vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Population theorists
  1. Pessimists
    1. Malthus (and Neomalthusians)
      1. Population and demand for food increase faster than food supply
        1. Insufficient food for the population
          1. Increased levels of misery
            1. war
              1. Famine
                1. Decreased fertility levels
                2. Disease
                3. Increased levels of moral restraint
                  1. Celibacy
                    1. Later marriage
                      1. Decreased fertility levels
                    2. Increased incidence of...
                      1. Abortion
                        1. Decreased fertility levels
                          1. Decline in population
                        2. Infanticide
                  2. Neomalthusians
                    1. Technologies and consumption patterns
                      1. Environmental degrading
                        1. Resource depletion
                        2. Evidence
                          1. Wars and famines
                            1. Ethiopia
                              1. Sudan
                                1. Sahel
                                2. Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) - 800 million are chronicallly malnourished
                                  1. Populationg growth in LEDCs increased after death fate fell
                                    1. Water scarcity is predicted to be a major resource issue
                                      1. By 2050, 45% of the world population will live in areas that can't provide 50l needed per day for basic needs - UN
                                      2. Climate change
                                  2. Optimmists
                                    1. Ester Boserup
                                      1. Technology leads to
                                        1. Development of resources
                                          1. Intensification of farming
                                            1. Provide for the population
                                            2. Demand
                                            3. Simon and Lomborg
                                              1. Pesticides causing cancer - 1960s
                                                1. No rise in cancer linked to pesticides
                                                2. Running out of oil - 1970s
                                                  1. Oil reserves increased
                                                  2. Failure of food supply - 1970s
                                                    1. Green revolution and intensification
                                                      1. Food production per head increased
                                                    2. Nuclear fear - 1970s
                                                      1. Nuclear accidents rare
                                                      2. Desertification - 1980s
                                                        1. Deserts have not advanced
                                                        2. Acid rain damage - 1980s
                                                          1. Acid rain has killed no forests
                                                          2. Ozone layer thinning - 1980s
                                                            1. Rainforests still 80% intact
                                                            2. Elephant on point of extinction - 1980s
                                                              1. Elephant never in danger of extinction
                                                              2. Deforestation - 1990s
                                                                1. Rainforests still 80% intact
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