Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Lonliness + Isolation
- Everyone is lonely
- The men on the ranch are like orphans.
George says 'They got no family'
- The bunk house guys blow their money every
Saturday on prostitutes and booze
- It's unusual for ranchers to make
friends, everyone comments on how
George and Lennie travel together
- 'Funny how you an'
him string along
- Crooks lives all alone
- He's segregated because he's black
- When Lennie pays Crooks a visit he doesn't seem to want his company
- He's used to lonliness and finds it hard to enjoy company
- Curley is lonely even though he's married
- No One can think of an Answer
- Lennie and
George think
having their
own place
will solve
- George doesn't seem to think this will ever happen
- Lennie and George look
after eachother
- George still seems lonely
- Tells Slim 'I ain't got no people'
- Animals provide a temporary solution
- Lennie kills them all
- Carlson shoots Candy's dog
- Looking for Companionship can be Dangerous
- Ends in disaster
- Crooks and Candy try to grab
hold of George and Lennie's dream
- Ends in bitter disappointment
- Lennie holding the girl's dress
in Weed, and Curley's wife
- Curley's wife isn't happy in her father-in-law's house
- Tries to get a bit of companionship by flirting but it ends in disaster
- George
mentions how
his friend is in
prison 'on
account of tart'
- Looking for companionship was dangerous for Andy
- Prejudice
- Crooks is generally treated badly
- Treated with a mixture of contempt and indifference
- He is either picked on or ignored
- The boss is always giving Crooks 'hell'
- Easy target for his frustration
- Treated badly by characters with little
power as he has less power than them
- Curley's wife threatens
to have him 'lynched'
- As a married woman, her word is
worth more than Crook's
- Candy calls him a 'Nice fella' but
doesn't seem to care that the
ranchers treat him badly
- Candy pauses with 'relish' at one of the
ranchers picking a fight with Crooks
- Slim treats him with civility
- Doesn't talk down to him
- Only person to go into Crook's
room (aside the boss) before
Lennie and Candy
- Makes Crooks bitter
- Angry that the others don't
invite him to bunkhouse
- Won't let other ranchers in his room
- Crooks wants companionship
- Besides the impression of being 'proud' and 'aloof'
- 'A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody'
- Dream of the farm appeals to Crooks
- Believes he will be
treat more as an equal
- First one to realise the dream isn't possible
- So used to disappointment
- No Respect for their Elders
- Candy is old
- Knows it wont be long before they 'can' him
- No one will employ him because he
'ain't much good with on'y one hand'
- Feelings don't seem important - not much
sympathy when Carlson wants to shoot his dog
- Dog represents him - when he's too
old to be useful he'll be got rid off
- Curley's wife dismisses him as 'lousy ol' sheep'
- See's him as no better than Crooks or Lennie