Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Allocation - Youths
- Charged with homicide, firearms or
offence where a notice has been
served (child or fraud)
- Charged with an
offence that is
related to an offence
that is being sent
- related to an offence
that has already been
- capable of being a
grave crime
- jointly charged with an
adult who has been
- If no take a plea
and proceed in
the youth court
- If yes then PBV
- ask to indicate
a plea
- Not guilty entered
- Is it a grave crime?
- Jointly charged
with an adult -
necessary in
interests of justice
to send to CC?
- SHALL send
- D charged
with an
offence which
is being sent
or has already
been sent?
- MAY send
- Guilty entered
- MUST commit for
sentence if
- MAY commit
if satisfied
needs long
- SENTENCE or adjourn for reports