Research into Film Posters


Mindmap am Research into Film Posters, erstellt von hannah.holloway am 06/03/2014.
Mindmap von hannah.holloway, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von hannah.holloway vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Research into Film Posters
  1. Teaser Posters
    1. A teaser poster is an early promotional item which is released before the film to entice viewers to watch it when it is released. These poster contain a basic design or still image without revealing the full plot of the film before it is fully released.
      1. Teaser posters may only included a logo or symbol which people can then relate to the film or may include an image of the main character not making eye contact with the camera to keep the mystery about the film.
      2. Character Posters
        1. A character poster is used for an ensemble cast where the marketing company will release several posters with images of the high profile members of the cast.
          1. It usually contains the name of the actor/actress featured on the poster and also a tagline which reflects the characters personality.
          2. Theatrical Posters
            1. A main theatrical poster is released at the same time as the film showing the main character/s and some of the story that may be contained within the film, showing the setting or highlighting the title of the film.
              1. It usually contains the names of the high profile characters, press quotes and may contain a sentence which describes the action within the film. It also contains other acting credits and the names of directors and filming companies.
              2. About Film Posters
                1. Posters are important to a marketing campaign because it is an individual image that tells the story of the film in one shot and conveys the unique selling point at the same time. They do this by using a high profile member of the cast or director or using the unique plot on the poster.
                  1. A poster consists of a key image, the film title, colours that represent the film and also a recognisable font that people with associate with the film.
                    1. Poster are memorable for 3-5 seconds so they need to have an impact on the viewer so that they remember it and go and watch the film.
                  2. There are three types of film poster; Teaser, Main Theatrical, Character
                  3. Examples of Posters
                    1. Teaser
                      1. Character
                        1. Theatrical
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