Regulation of Na+ & Cl- Balance


Mindmap am Regulation of Na+ & Cl- Balance, erstellt von Zulhilmi Zainal am 06/03/2014.
Zulhilmi Zainal
Mindmap von Zulhilmi Zainal, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Zulhilmi Zainal
Erstellt von Zulhilmi Zainal vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Regulation of Na+ & Cl- Balance
  1. Regulation of filtered load of Na+ (via GFR)
    1. Na+ reabsorption at DCT and CCD via the action of aldosterone (major control of Na+ excretion).
      1. nearly all Na+ in filtrate is reabsorbed: 65% in PCT, 25% in asc LoH.
      2. Regulation of Na+ reabsorption
        1. Macula densa cells
          1. lower concentrations in Na+
            1. activate Mesangial cells
            2. higher concentrations in Na+
              1. adenosine release
            3. Mesangial cells
              1. secrete renin
              2. Renin system in Hemorrhage
                1. renin system
                  1. Short-term regulation of blood pressure
                    1. regulation of blood pressure
                      1. Pressure natriuresis and diuresis
                        1. Summary of regulation of blood pressure via the kidney
                          1. BP regulation in diarhhea
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