Zusammenfassung der Ressource
OT Mind Map by Grace Allen
- 1.Abraham
- The lord sent three visitors to Abraham. they told him that he would have a son
- This was ridiculous because he and his wife were very old
- They had a son and he was called Isaac which means laughter
- One day the Lord told Abraham to go to the alter and sacrifice his son as a test of his faith
- The Lord stopped him and this test proved Abraham''s faith in God
- Isaac was the father of Jacob and Esau
- 2.Jacob/Israel
- Jacob had a brother named Esau
- Esau was an outdoorsman, the first born, and his father's favorite
- Jacob was not quite was hyper masculine and was his mother's favorite
- Esau came in from hunting one day was was famished
- He traded his birthright to his brother for a bowl of stew
- When the time came Jacob got the birthright
- Their mother came up with a plan for Jacob to also get the blessing
- The plan worked and Esau was very mad and tried to kill Jacob
- His mother told him to run and so he did
- 3.Joseph
- Jacob had 12 sons and two wifes
- He favored one wife over the other, and therefore her sons were his fsvorite
- Joseph was his favorite son and he had dreams from god
- One day his brothers got fed up with him and planned to kill him
- They beat him up, took the coat their father had given him, tore it and smeared goat blood on it
- They sold him to merchants heading to Egypt and took the coat to their father and faked Joseph'sdeath
- Joseph was sold to Potepher and soon became head of his household because God blesses him in everything he did
- Pothepher's wife liked Joseph and tried to get him to sleep with her, he refused
- She accused him of raping him and Potepher sent him to jail
- While in jail he met people who had strange dreams
- God gave him the ability to interpret these dreams, and what Joseph said, happened
- One night Pharoah had some troubling drams and one of the men Jacob met in prison told Pharoah about him
- Pharoah had Joseph brought in and He told Pharoah what his dreams ment
- The dreams said that there would be 7 years of plentiful harvest in Egypt followed by 7 years of famine
- Joseph became second best to Pharoah and devised a plan to keep Egypt from dying out during these years of famine
- Joseph's family was in need to food and 10 of his brothers traveled to Egypt
- They did not recognize Joseph but he recognized them and he accuses them of being spies and demands that they bring their youngest brother
- They return with Benjamin (who had the same mother as Joseph) and when Joseph saw benjamin we weep and ran out of the room
- Joseph served them a feast
- Joseph instructs his men to put his silver cup in benjamin's bag
- He calls them back claiming that one of them stole his silver cup. He insists that one of them stays
- One of the brothers (Judah) is to stay behind , Joseph tells all the attendants to leave the room. he breaks down crying and shows them who he truly is
- He sends them all back to get their father and bring him back and all of his household and live in Egypt where he can provide for them
- The Israelite nation grows and they are there for many years and are made slaves by the new Pharoah
- 4.Moses and the Exodus
- Moses was born an Israelite, but was taken in by Pharoah's daughter soon after birth
- He grew up in the royal household
- Once he was grown he saw an Egyptian man beating an Israelite and he killed the Egyptian
- He then fled Egypt and went to Midian
- While in Midian got a wife and she gave birth to a son
- He became a shepherd and looked after his father-in-law's flocks
- One day one of his sheep lead him ti a mountain where he saw a bush that was on fire, but not burning up
- Here, he spoke to God
- God told him to get the Israelites out of Egpyt and in to the promiced land of Caanan
- God instructed him to do mericals in his name
- Moses was not good at speaking, so God told him to bring his brother Aaron with him
- Aaron met moses in the wilderness and they traveled to Egypt to talk to the Isrealite elders
- Aaron told them all God had said to Moses and they believed
- They then went to Pharoah and told him to let their people go
- He refused, and made the slave's work load harder
- Moses prayed to Gos and God promiced deliverance
- Aaron preformed a Merical in Gods name and Pharoah remained unmoved
- Because Pharoah remained unmoved, Aaron called down a plauge of blood apon the Egyptians from God
- One week later they tried again, but Pharoah's heart was still cold, so Moses brought down a plauge of frogs on them
- Aaron was instructed by God to reliece Gnats on the Egyptians id Pharoah was still cold (which he was)
- When Pharoah remained unmoved, this time, he sent down a plauge of flies
- The next plauge killed all of the Egyptian's lovestock
- Next, God sent down Boils that would infect all of the Egyptians
- God then sent hail
- Then locusts
- Then Darkness
- And lastly, he sent down the holy spirit to kill all the firstborn males from all households that did not follow his instructions
- The Isrealites were the only ones that knew what to do to be saved from this "angel of death"
- This is where we get the pass over from
- When the Israelites fled Egypt the Egyptians chases them and cornered then at the red sea
- God protected them by holding the Egyptians back and parting the waters of the red sea
- When the Egyptians tried to cross the parted sea, the waters crashed down on them killing them
- The Israelites grew hungry and the Lord provided them manna and quail
- While roaming the desert, they came to Mt.Sini and God gave them the 10 comandments
- But the israeite shad sinned so much that God would not allow that generation into the promice land of Cannan
- They wondered around in the desert for many years until they had all died in execption to Joshua
- 5.Joshua and the Judges
- In the book of Joshua It tells the story of Tamar
- She was a prostitute who protected the Israelite spies
- And she was saved when the Israelite army marched around and destroied the walls of jericho
- They followed the Lord's instructions and the walls fell down and Israel took over Jericho
- There were many different jusges
- Othniel
- Ehud
- Shamgar
- Deborah
- Gideon
- Zebah
- Zahmunnah
- Abimelek
- Tola
- Jair
- Jepththa
- 6.King Saul
- 7.King David
- 8.King Solomon
- Abraham was the grandfather of Jacob
- Jacob was the father of joseph
- Joseph led the Israelites into egypt
- Joshua was Moses' "second in command" when leading the Israelites out of Egypt
- Saul was the first king of the Israelite nation
- David was the next king of Israel after Saul
- Solomon was Davids son, and the next king of Israel
- Abraham had his sons when he was 90 years old