Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Old Testament
- 1. Creation
- Day:1 God created the
Heavens and Earth
- Day: 2 He made the lands,oceaons
- Day 3: Land and Vegitation
- Day 4: Star, moons, the Sun
- Day 5: Sea Creatures and Birds
- Day 6: Land and Vegitation
- God Rested on the 7th day
- God said that his creation was
good 5 times.
- He made the first man named Adam: He made
man in his own image
- First thing God said is not is
Lonleness, So he made the first
woman named Eve.
- 2. The Fall
- Two Trees: Tree of Good and Evil, Tree of Life
- Satan temped Eve into eating from the tree of
Good and Evil. God had forbiddin this.
- Both Adam and Eve ate the fruit
causing sin and death to enter the
- They were banished from
the Garden of Eden
- Satan disguied as a serpent
- When they ate the fruit they gained
knowledge, and learned they were
naked. They tried to hide from God.
- 3. Noah and The Flood
- The world was full on sin and
hatred, God was not happy, and
decied to flood the wolrd.
- Noah was the onl
righetous man, So god tells
him to build a arc, to
survive the flood.
- God tells him to collect
his family, and two of
every aniaml.
- It rained for 40 days
and 40 nights
- God created a rainbow, as a
covenant that he will never flood
the earth agaiin
- Late, The new community settle, and try to
build a tower to God. This angers God that
he confuses thier languages.
- 4. Abraham
- Abram was very faiithful to
God, God changes his
name to Abaham
- God promises
that him and
Sarah will
have a child.
- God says he will be a father of
many, and a nation
- Sarah is burren and could not
of children
- God blesses them with a child,
named Issac.
- God tells Abraham to sacrifice
Issac. Abrham agreed, but God
stopped him right as he was about
to do it.
- 5.Jacob/Isreal
- Son of Issac, and had a
brother named Esau who
was the firstborn.
- Jacob tricked Issac into
selling his birthright for a
bowl of soup, because he
was very hungry
- Jacob had to flee, because he
also took Esau's Blessing, causing
Esau to plot to kill him.
- He had work for 14 years, beacuse he
had sex with the wrong sister
- He moved his family to Egypt and God
changed his name to Isreal
- Father of the nation of Isreal
- He faught an angel
- 6.Joseph
- He was the second youngest
son of Jacob. He was also
Jacob favorite son.
- His brothers were very jelous of
him, so they deciided to sell him to
- He traveled to Eygpt
and become a slave
to Potiphar
- Potifar wife accused Jacob of
rape, and was thrown in jail. He
interpreted Pharoah dream, and
become Prime Ministor.
- He predicted that Eygpt will
have 7 days of florish, then 7
days of famine. This allows
them to prepare saving Eygpt.
- Joesph moves his
family to they can
avoid the famine
and have fertile
- 7. Moses and the Exodus
- Moses was born during the time all
Issrrlite babies were killed after
- Moses mother sent him off
in a a basket on the nile.
Pharoah Dautgher later
found him and decied to
take care of him
- When Moses was 40 whenhe killed and
Eygptian man that was beaing an
Isrealite, causing him to flee.
- God appread to Moses as a burning
bush, he told Moses to return to Eygpt
and free the Isrelites.
- After the 10th Plague, Pharoah freed them, and they feld Eygpt.
- Moses and his people wondered in the desert for another 40
years before finding the promise land.
- They reach the red sea, but Pharoah and his army
followed. Moses split the sea with his staff and they
- God gave Moses the ten commandments,
beacuse the Islrelites didnt know how to
people human anymore
- Joshou/ and the Judges
- Moses dies, and Joshou
becomes the new leader.
- God told joshou to send spies to go to the promise land.
They saw big peiple there and were too scared to fight
- 8. King David
- David was mad at King Saul for sacrifice the
annoited one, eventually David replaced him as the
- He defeats a Philisitne Giant
named Goloith, with a slingshot
- David had sex with Bathshema and
she got pregnant
- He orgnized a plan, so that
Betheshama 's husband will die in
- God punished him, by taking away his child.